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Gnostic Musings #10: The Divine Mind (Part 2)

by Wes Penre, October 25, 2020

I said to Him, Lord, how does he who sees the vision see it, through the soul or through the spirit?

The Savior answered and said, He does not see through the soul nor through the spirit, but the mind that is between the two that is what sees the vision…

The Gospel according to Mary Magdalene

In the above gospel, we are clearly told that it is the Mind, not the Spirit or soul that recognizes the Truth and achieves Gnosis. The way I see it, it’s not that humans have different minds—it’s all one Mind, whether we are talking about our own awareness, Sophia’s awareness, or the awareness of the Monad/Source/All That Is. There is no Mind outside or beside that of the Monad—we are all part of IT’s Mind, operating within different manifested realities and from different perspectives.

When manifested in solid human physical bodies on this planet, the average person operates with only a fraction of their entire Divine Mind. We call it the conscious mind. In addition to that, we divide the Mind into subconscious and unconscious mind, like if they were separate from the Divine Mind, when they are simply different aspects of the same Mind, operating under different conditions. This is also where manipulation comes into play:

They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators’ mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now.

Carlos Castañeda

Those of us who have read Castañeda realize that he knew what he was talking about. From Yaldabaoth’s and his Chief Archons’ perspective, it was a clever move to take advantage of our amnesia and reprogram our Divine Minds and “replace” it with their minds. As I wrote in the “Wes Penre Papers” (WPP), it’s not so much that they are lying to us—they just want us to see things from their perspective. And here we are as a human species, thinking and acting very much like the predators, as Castañeda calls them.

In a literal sense, it’s not that we have lost our own minds in the process—we have simply exchanged most of our own thoughts and beliefs with theirs. In other words, we have misdirected our thinking and our concept of reality to fit with the concepts the Archons want us to adopt. We, who are waking up, are now in the process of once again reprogramming our minds so we can regain the access to our higher Divine Mind that we all still have available to us.

We know that it’s the part of the mind we call the subconscious mind that holds the hidden trauma, triggers, and memories that we can’t easily access—thoughts and emotions that still affect us, often negatively, on a daily basis, not exactly contributing to our progress and wellbeing. Our personal and collective subconscious mind is at the same time a part of Sophia’s subconscious mind, which is Darkness/Ignorance, as discussed in earlier articles. Thus, by doing our own inner shadow work, we are also helping Sophia doing hers—we can perhaps look at ourselves as her “probes,” who are sent down into this realm of Darkness to help lighting it up. We are not separate from Sophia in that sense—we are all her and a part of her Mind, as well as Sophia is a part of the Monad’s Mind. Ultimately, all of us are the Monad—only different expressions of IT.

Then, we have the conscious mind, which is the part of our minds we call the ego. It’s nothing wrong with having an ego because without it we couldn’t exist here. It’s only when the ego becomes super inflated that it’s unhealthy, such as in malevolent narcissism and psychopathy. However, we humans erroneously consider the conscious mind we are using in our daily lives being the core of our being, which is not true. The part of the Divine Mind we humans call the conscious mind is also, at least to a large degree, part of the programming we have received during our lifetime/lifetimes here on this planet. It is formed according to our upbringing, our adult life, our environment, culture, education, and various types of manipulation that we have adopted as truth and strong personal and common beliefs, which combined create our collective reality. The identity or personality we develop is almost completely based on the factors just mentioned. Still, both the subconscious and the conscious mind are parts of the Divine Mind.

Maybe a good way of looking at it is as a spectrum with two open endings; on one side we have deep Ignorance and on the other side profound Knowledge/Gnosis. Everybody is operating somewhere along this spectrum. For instance, the subconscious mind is within one range of the spectrum, the conscious mind is within another range, while the “cosmic” mind exists within yet another range, and the “Highest” Mind within the top range reachable. They are different levels of programs, until we leave the Kenoma altogether. For those who aim to leave the Kenoma, achieving Gnosis as it was presented to us 2,000 years ago might help the individual to see what can possibly be achieved in the higher states of the Divine Mind.

Only by opening our minds to a degree that we are willing to ask ourselves the questions, “Who am I?” “What is my purpose?” and “Where am I going?” and start our journey to find the answers to these questions can we connect to the higher aspects of the Divine Mind inside us. This is what is called Gnosis in Greek, and the Gnostic texts are designed to help us self-reflect in order to find the answers to these questions.

The Mind is a powerful thing, and the Archons know this. They are jealous and afraid of us at the same time, although we have been programmed to be afraid of them. They know that humanity can potentially wake up at any time if left alone, and if we do, they understand that they are defeated—they no longer have anyone to feed from, except themselves, and they will self-destruct. This must be avoided from their point of view. It’s fine with them when a few people wake up here and there because the Archons have a contract with the Divine to let us “evolve,” but they do not want us to wake up in droves! Therefore, they need to keep us constantly distracted for us to steer our thoughts away from exploring our Minds on a deeper level, and instead they try to force us to put our attention on worldly problems that they themselves created with a lot of help from their minions—the Elite bloodlines and our compliance.

Thus, we have all the chaos we see around us. Chaos comes from Darkness, and the Archons and the Elite are manifested representatives of Ignorance/Darkness. This is where they exist—they can’t exist elsewhere, so they need to hang onto Darkness. Yaldabaoth, the Archons, and the human Elite are all manifestations of Sophia’s and our own Darkness and Ignorance. If they can’t maintain this Darkness in this part of the Universe, they cease to exist, and they understand this. Therefore, they need to be clever when they manipulate us.

So, how do they do it? Well, they have created so many problems in the world, which they try to force us to engage in, leading to that we have little to no time to reflect over our own spirituality.

Have you sometimes wondered why the government and other institutions at times are so bluntly in our face when it comes to their own criminal behavior and their attempts to force control over the population? It’s like they want us to see these behaviors to make us upset and engaged. As a result, people go out in the streets to demonstrate and protest. Some participate in riots that are often, unbeknownst to them, planned and led by agent provocateurs, working for the Intelligence Agencies. This creates even more chaos and distractions to keep us away from focusing on our inner spiritual journey, such as imperative existential questions and our inner healing process.

Others put their energy on trying to overthrow the government, either by replacing it with trustworthy people, abolishing it altogether, or taking down the Global Elite, thinking that this, overtime, will bring us peace on Earth. What humankind fails to realize is that we can’t get peace on Earth because this realm is not designed to be peaceful. This is a construct where everything dies, regardless of what we do because per design, this is where true Darkness/Ignorance exists. Although many people understand this, they think that by making the above changes in the physical world, it will replace Darkness with Light. This will not happen until humankind has achieved Gnosis on a collective level. THAT will light up this realm—nothing else will. Where people get their Gnosis from is up to them, so long as they get it, but it has to be achieved collectively before any major changes can be made to this world. Otherwise, things will soon go back to “business as usual,” because Yaldabaoth and the Archons—the manifestations of Darkness—are still here, so long as we humans have Darkness and Ignorance buried inside ourselves. If, hypothetically, most of the mankind wakes up and start making changes in society, replacing Darkness with Light, it would still be the same as Gnosis, leading to the destruction of this Realm—the Kenoma. Starting by making major changes in the physical world, putting most of our energy into it, is like reading a book from the end to the beginning, instead of from the beginning to the end.

Thus, if we really want to make a change that eventually affects most people on this planet, we all need to do our inner work so we connect with the higher aspects of our Divine Mind—that’s the only way this can be done. It’s not a selfish or cowardly thing to do—in fact, it’s the bravest thing we can ever do in this reality—to confront our inner darkness and turn it into light. By doing so, we affect the human mass consciousness. The more of us who are doing it, the faster the progress, and more people will wake up. That’s where our focus must go, or we’re doomed as a collective human soul group. We can’t do it the other way around.

Peace on Earth is not achievable in a Realm of Death and Darkness because if and when that is achieved, the entire Kenoma will collapse anyway. We can’t create a paradise on Earth and maintain it in this reality. By concentrating on fixing the outer world, we prevent real changes from happen because real changes happen from within. When we change from within, what we perceive as the outside world will also change accordingly. It’s called apocalypse or revelation—what’s hidden will be revealed. Thus, when Gandhi said that we need to BE the change we want to see in the world, he was correct.

We also need to learn how to become observers instead of participants in the chaos around us. Order out of Chaos must happen from within ourselves first. We can’t make significant changes in the outside world if there is Chaos and Darkness inside of us as a collective consciousness—we will only repeat the same misbehaviors, even if we, for argument’s sake, would be able to make some changes that really count. Only when working on ourselves can we envision the Bigger Picture and a real solution because we will no longer be a part of the problem. And again, a problem can’t be solved from the same level it was created.

In summary, the only way to make a change is to connect to the higher aspect of the Divine Mind and start doing our Inner Work, i.e. shadow work. We need to bring to the surface what is hidden (Darkness/Ignorance), which creates Knowledge. From Knowledge we can achieve Gnosis, if we self-reflect on the Inner Knowledge that we gain and start using it in our own lives in relationship to ourselves and others.

Still, this is exactly where most people have the biggest problem—when looking inside themselves. As mentioned above, it’s the bravest thing you can do in your life. It’s not easy but necessary.

Here is one way to start, if it feels right to you: learn to recognize what is coming from your subconscious/reactive mind, and instead of acting upon it, stop and reflect while bringing it to surface. Take a good look at what is being revealed to you and reprogram yourself. Don’t fight what is coming up from inside; instead, just exchange the negative thought or attitude with a positive attitude that will support your progress and repeat this process over and over every time a reactive thought comes up. After about 21-30 days of consistency, the reprogramming of a certain repeated reactive emotion and thought pattern will be completed, and you will start acting in a way that you consciously have chosen to act. The reactive thoughts will not disappear, but they will diminish significantly, and you will become stronger than it and learn to effectively override the old programming.

As mentioned, this is one way of starting the process—there are many other ways. We suggest you find something that works best for you. If you are uncertain, research it. Read articles and watch videos by life coaches online—the information can be quite helpful and is often for free. Then find procedures that work for you.

Part 3 in this series on the Divine Mind will be published soon, so stay tuned…

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