Q&A Session #1, May 2024

By Wes Penre, May 7, 2024

PDF [English, Spanish, Estonian]

Welcome to the new Q&A and thank you for your questions! Please send more to wespenre2@gmail.com, and put Q&A in the subject line so I won’t miss your email.

If you want to check out any of my books, please go to https://amazon.com and type Wes Penre into the Amazon search engine at the top of their page. Some books are also in Spanish!

I haven’t received many questions about the context of my latest book, Simulations and the Wheels of Time in the Developing Worlds, so from here on I will embed such questions in these regular Q&As when they show up.

Now to this week’s questions:

Question #1: Hi Wes, I have a question on how you came to be so sure that creation is solely feminine involved? In nature it takes two, male as the inseminator and female as the cultivator. In occultism, the masculine side is the ideator, while the feminine side is the manifestor. Also, toxic femininity can be just as bad as toxic masculinity. Thanks.

Comment: This is a very common misunderstanding. The Universe in its essence is feminine—it’s creative energy. Masculine energy only exists in the physical universe, to put it simply. There is no such thing as toxic femininity—what you refer to here is females applying toxic masculinity. It’s not about gender but forces of energy. Not all masculinity is toxic, of course, but again, it’s not about gender. When you create in your mind you’re using feminine energies, and when something is created in the physical universe, often involving some kind of technology, it’s masculine. Inward vs. outward force.

Regarding so-called “occultism,” it’s practiced from a patriarchal viewpoint, and is therefore inverted and reversed.

Question #2: So, the theory that our sun now is within this earth atmosphere, and it is piped in from one of the stars in Sirius, I think it’s been said. I have noticed the sun’s intensity increasing almost yearly now, and I think that’s what’s causing the global warming now although they do blame it on man-made climate change. My question is who would be controlling our sun, would it be the AIF faction of Sirius, or a faction overseen by Orion? The latter can be true because maybe that’s the way they’re forcing the AIF hand. Similar to the flood, to bring this thing all down, and that’s why we see the frenzied pick up in the speed of their agenda as well? Maybe the plan is to slowly roast us?

Comment: I see our sun as a “hub” or a “portal,” whereas our true sun (since the Overlords took over) is Sirius A. Sirius is, from what we have learned, the home of the Khan Kings, including Marduk. Therefore, it’s the Sirians who are sending energy from Sirius to our sun. They can also regulate our sun with technology. The Universe repeats things in cycles (wheels within wheels), so we have experienced many global warmings in the past, and many ice ages, too. This hype about global warming being man made is nonsense. The EL-ite just uses this as a part of their agenda.

Question #3: Both my parents died in 2015. Six months apart. I am more than sure they did not exit through the Grid. I had fantastic parents, even though none was interested in exploring any concept beyond a consensus reality.

A few months after they’d passed away, I contacted a medium out of sheer curiosity. I took every step not to be identified in cyberspace; a friend paid from his own account for my session, and I used my second name in an email communication—its address was nonspecific. I was also very careful not give him any hints. Basically, I just listened.

The session blew my mind. It was carried over the phone; the guy is well-known for his medium talents.

The information he delivered, which contained some astounding details, could only be passed on by my parents- they both turned up.

Plus, I got a bonus- the presence of a very dear friend of mine, who untimely died. He turned up and gave a complete account of his passing, which made perfect sense.

On top of that, the medium rightly guessed my profession!

So, in that rather lengthy context, my question is:

Regarding my parents, if they were both quickly turned around in the astral, which means they stopped to exist as my parents- how come they turned up for the session? Could they be put in some “on hold” situation up there, and it allowed them to communicate?

There were no grandchildren for them to incarnate to at the time of their passing.

What do you make of medium phenomena in general?

Comment: I am not sure if you have heard of Dr. Tom Campbell, a scientist who has spent most of his life exploring the Simulation (the Matrix). He once worked with Robert Monroe, so he is also a remote viewer and is practicing OBEs. He commented on this precise subject. Similar to what I have written about, he says that the deceased is usually incarnated quite instantly and doesn’t linger in the astral for long (unless the Overlords have particular tasks for them). All our lives are registered in detail in the astral (Akashic Records), so when someone evokes a dead relative or friend, it’s usually not the real person—it’s an imitation. That imitation is like an exact copy of the person who died. According to Dr. Campbell, you can ask them questions only they’re dead relative would know, and the “copy” can answer them precisely.

If the deceased does not have any children, and there are no grandchildren, etc., the deceased is most likely put on hold until there is an opportunity to be recycled into the correct bloodline. I don’t know what happens if the direct bloodline ends, but I would imagine souls then get recycled into the closest relative there is, still pertaining some of their DNA. A bloodline never ends completely.

There are psychics that are very good, like the one you hired. The only difference between a psychic and a “regular” person is that the former can operate outside the five senses. We even say the person has a “sixth sense.”

Question #4: When Isis reincarnates here on earth (Lady Diana) does she come with a full memory?

Comment: It’s unknown. It seems to me she generally does not have amnesia. In a few cases, it seems like she has partial amnesia, so I can’t really tell.

Question #5: I love your new book (Wheels Within Wheels…). I have a question, and I’ll probably have more as I read on.

Why did Enki make Ham’s children black (branded)? Is it to keep an eye on them, as one does with stocktaking?

Thanks, and can’t wait for future books!

Comment: I doubt Ham was black if Noah and his wife were white-skinned (at least, they are portrayed that way). It says that Ham’s bloodline is/was black, but I would suggest it’s because of DNA manipulation at a later date—after the Flood. Different skin color is one way to separate us, and perhaps easier keep track of us. Also, the Overlords used humans with different genetics for different task, such as hard labor, solders, etc.

I have material for a new book already, but because of other projects, I must wait with writing it until a little later. It will hopefully be out sometime this fall.

Question #6: Why isn’t Mother Sophia confronting the psychopaths who have manipulated us from the cradle to the grave for aeons now in direct battle?

Comment: This is a very common question, and the answer is that she can’t. Sophia/the Queen is pure Spirit, and she can’t manifest in the physical universe “just like that.” For this, she needs Avatars. Isis/Eve is one of those.

She has the MIKH-MAKH defense forces, of course, operating in the physical universe and the lower KHAA. This subject, among many others, will be thoroughly addressed in the upcoming book.

Essentially, it’s about what humanity wants. We have been so manipulated that we don’t even know who we are and whence we came. And we certainly don’t know where we’re going. If the Orion forces would come in here and start a war, it would be devastating for humans. We would again be shields and foot soldiers for the Overlords. And the Heads of State in each country would tell their citizens we are invaded by horrific space aliens, and we would start fighting our liberators.

If you ask 100 people whether they want to stay on Earth or go to Orion, they may think that’s a dumb question. Almost all would say, “I want to stay on Earth, of course!” That’s what humanity wants—at least until they start looking for answers and learn (and/or recall) who they essentially are, realizing they are trapped here, manipulated by an outside force—the Sirians.

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A shout-out and special thanks to my Tier 2 to 4 Patrons, whose support is invaluable so I can continue my work. Here are a few who have accepted having their names mentioned. When I post videos, I will separate the Shout-out from the regular honorary mentions, as I used to do, but when I’m posting articles, I see no reason to separate them:

Lucy, Nadine&Jose, Naturalvet, Higherground. Denise R., Kim C., Esty, Susan Hassett, Vianne, Hema, Suzanna, Lova, αἰϝών, Stranne, SS, Ninotchka, Conrad Nagel, R3yn, Sovereign Spirit, Vitalinfo, KIM MIN SUNG, Cheryl, MCMG, Andrew, MikeO, Yohan Tengra, Renerio, Jose Capareda, Leo B., Claudia, Josh Churchill, Mark, Heidi, Jeff & Kathy Hatten, Meryl, Austėja, Haya, and Gabi P.


  1. Hey brother Wes, please answer this question. How is it that some of us have found your information that clearly connects all the pertinent dots and explains what we are experiencing in this matrix simulation death construct. Is it because we doggedly pursued the truth or is it because we were steered by beings from Orion?
    The fact that so few of us have become aware of our predicament seems to imply that we have overseers that may have helped us in our search for truth.
    Waiting on your answer. As always, I am so thankful for the information that you’ve selflessly shared with us. I’ve read your WPPs twice and have both your Orion books and have read them multiple times.
    I really cannot convey how much I appreciate your work. Hope to see you on the other side. Your friend and brother Greg.

    1. Hi Gregery, and thanks for your encouragement! I think we are “drawn” to certain information when we are ready for it. Like attracts alike, so to speak. It is my experience that Orion does not steer us to anything. The WPP were an amazing gift to mankind, but now it’s up to us all to absorb it, ponder it, and potentially see them from an even bigger perspective. One thing I believe the WPP do is that the information helps us make the reconnection with Spirit, from which we’ve been largely disconnected from for at least 13,000 years.

      1. Thanks for answering my question. I certainly agree that your information, (The WPPs) helps all of us to reconnect to spirit and more importantly to leave this prison. I can’t wait to leave. At the age of 73 the knowledge of how to exit through one of the holes in the grid is just about all I can think about. I look forward to resuming our real existence. Thanks again. Your friend and brother Greg.

  2. I’d like to comment on the Princess Diana question. I’m reading the Diana Chronicles after reading the Isis book to get more clarification. It seems like she was bred to marry a Prince. In fact all of her schooling was to become a good wife and mother. And she always remained a virgin up to the point when she married Charles (the final selling point for the Royal family, I think some of them knew why she was there). She used to say “thick as a plank, that’s me”. So she knew she wasn’t programmed to be a rocket scientist. However she was very compassionate and was a definite breeze of fresh air into The Firm (Tina Brown’s term for the Royal family). However her narcissism did not start until she was in The firm, her bulimia plagued her all through her adult life, as well as some out of control behaviors later). But I don’t think she knew she was Isis, I think she was heavily programmed before birth and that would make more sense to me. Maybe she finally figured it out before she got murdered, I don’t know I haven’t gotten that far in the book. And of course Tina Brown couldn’t really go into anything that the firm was really into, (she wouldn’t be able to sell books) that we all know about now, but wow what a freaky family, cousins and all

    1. I just came across this in the Tina Brown book, I’ve got to put it here because I love when things get substantiated from different directions and in this case, the Isis claim.
      In 1989 there was a taped telephone conversation between Di and her current consort James Gilbey, later called Squidgygate.
      This portion was a row she had with a bishop she did not like:
      Gilbey: so did you give him a hard time?
      Di: I did actually, in the end I said I know this sounds crazy, but I’ve lived before. He said, how do you know? I said because I’m a wise old thing, I said also, I’m aware of that people I have loved and have died and are in the spirit world look after me, he looked horrified, I thought, if he’s the bishop, he should say that sort of thing.
      Gilbey: I don’t really like many of those bishops especially.
      Di: well I felt very uncomfortable, I said I understand people suffering, people’s pain more than you will ever know and he said that’s obvious by what you are doing for the AIDS, I said it’s not only AIDS it’s anyone who suffers, I can smell them a mile away.
      Gilbey: what did he say?
      Di: nothing he just went quiet, he changed the subject to toys, and I thought, ah defeated you!
      This is interesting at 28 the true Isis emerging.

  3. To add on to the above and maybe it’s written in other books, Tina Brown does not go into how Diana was conceived, or circumstances thereof, it’s kind of a glossed over, but her mother left the scene pretty much after Charles her brother was born. So if anybody really knows about any of that, would be interesting to hear. Thanks

  4. I mean if Diana was conceived out of wedlock with James Goldsmith, as Wes and others point out she wouldn’t be of pure Prince Ninurta blood, would she?

  5. Question2….I don’t know who is usin the sun and it’s powers but we are too close to micronova phenomenon mainly due to solar flare outbursts where we will return back to stoneage times….
    Last question…I would be a proud MOTHER’S SOPHIA WARRIOR if she ever decided to invade this prison planet…….even if everyone would be against me….

    1. I agree with the first part. Whatever cycle the sun is in right now, I’ve heard there’s more gamma rays, which are ground penetrating, anf really heating up everything it hits these days. That coupled with all the other technology including satellites, they are causing these weather attacks and they are attacks. And all these freaking weather people keep blaming it on Mother Nature! Wake up people and spread the news!

      1. I’m sorry folks I just can’t leave this alone it’s such a big topic. The reason for the comment that the sun is within our atmosphere is to displace the fallacy that they’re trying to save our atmosphere with chemtrails, so-called geoengineering operations,. So they do tell half truths, man-made climate change is partly due to Their man-made operations over the decades, that has depleted our atmosphere, the ozone layers and whatnot. How does aluminum and barium, the last known ingredients in these chemtrails according to Elana Freelanders books, help block the sun’s rays? I think it accentuates it, also f used or other operations in our bodies as well, who knows what they’re putting in there now and I think it’s different for different parts of the world.

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