Q&A Session #5, April 2024

By Wes Penre, April 30, 2024

PDF [English, Spanish, Estonian]

Welcome to the new Q&A and thank you for your questions! Please send more to wespenre2@gmail.com, and put Q&A in the subject line so I won’t miss your email.

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I haven’t received many questions about the context of my latest book, Simulations and the Wheels of Time in the Developing Worlds, so from here on I will embed such questions in these regular Q&As when they show up.

So, here we go:

Question #1:

Hi Wes, can you explain the Nanoverse and where it resides? I thought the greater Orion Universe is outside the Matrix of earth which we escape to through a hole in the grid after death. Aren’t we in the KHAA that is full of stars and planets after we exit?

I’ve read in your book the real universe is the Nanoverse and what we see above at night is a fake copy of the real Orion Universe. Tiamat was supposed to be a large planet, like Jupiter, but existed in the ethereal world, not the 3D physical world. It’s a little confusing to contemplate how the Queen can envision something that is only in Her mind and manifest it into 3D matter in the physical world.

Where do the elements come from? The dirt, water, rocks, and gases in to sustain life for 3D bodies? How does something ethereal become solid by lowering its vibration? How does lowering the vibration suddenly create matter out of nothing? It seems like the laws of physics are being ignored or don’t apply somehow. It would be considered Magik or the controlling of forces that allows this?

A similar topic is brought up in Men in Black part 1, where the galaxy is in Orion’s Belt, which is the cat’s collar; and the pug dog Frank says, “You humans- when are you going to realize size isn’t everything? The galaxy is tiny. Like the size of a jewel or a marble.”


We live in a simulation, so long as we are in our physical homo sapiens bodies. It’s like being inside a spacesuit, which is bombarded with input from outside—images and concepts, projected into our bodies from Saturn. It’s all an illusion. While inside the spacesuit, we only have access to five senses. The simulation, on another level, continues in the astral because there we have our blueprint, which is an ethereal copy of our physical body. We also call this the artificial soul and spirit (Nag Hammadi), or the astral body.

The astral is an intermediary station between our physical world and the Greater Universe. As we know, we no longer have our sapiens body in the astral, and thus, we have 360° vision, and we notice the astral is thought responsive, i.e., we can travel from one point to another with thoughts alone. So long as we are in our astral body, we are still in the Matrix, and usually, we land in the Khan Kings’ recycling center before the astral body dissolves. Therefore, we still don’t have full perceptions in the astral, but we normally realize we are souls, and souls exist in the Nanoverse—in the microcosmos, not in what we call macrocosm. This is why we can’t see our souls while we’re “physical;” they are too tiny.

When we have exited through the Grid, the artificial, false soul, dissolves, and you are completely yourself again—you are a 3-UC who has shed your shell, or a larva who becomes a butterfly. You are now in the Nanoverse, and you can see what exists there, which you couldn’t when in a sapiens body—not even with telescopes. Even if the telescopes would be able to see the Nanoverse, we can’t, because we are limited to five senses when within our spacesuit. And yes, it’s full of stars and galaxies, but many times bigger than we humans had thought.

Of course, when we’re in the Nanoverse, we don’t perceive things as tiny—everything is relative, just like here on Earth. But in relation to how we see things from inside our bodies, it’s all nano-sized. Hence, Tiamat, which was semi-physical/ethereal, was a large planet if compared to Earth, but perhaps a normal-sized planet from another perspective.

The Archangels are in control of manipulating the four elements (the fifth element being ether/spirit). It’s their job to prepare things in the physical worlds, and there are other Helpers, as well, from what I understand. Vibrations and frequencies are crucial to creation. The vibration of the physical universe is manipulated with Orion technology—the physical universe doesn’t form naturally. A spirited creator god comes up with and idea of a construct she wants to create. Then it’s usually the Archangels (and others), whose purpose is to build the physical worlds that manifest the foundation of the new world (the masculine energy). Lastly, the spirited creator god breathes spirit into the physical bodies into which a 2-UC then can attach.

There are many YouTube videos showing how sound vibration creates certain patterns, so vibration is essential in creating physical worlds.

Question #2:

When I had my twins, there were complications after the c-section that required emergency surgery.  I received 2 or 3 blood transfusions.  After having the kids, I sometimes have negative thoughts – that I never had before.  I want to know if those transfusions could have affected me.  And is there anything I can do about it?  I’m afraid that the other soul-fires that were in the transfused blood may be affecting me.


It is true that we receive fire and DNA from the person who donated, but usually, it’s not one person donating. The hospitals separate blood by blood types, so when we get transfusions, we normally get blood from a number of different people, mixed inside a blood bag. Can it change our personality? I would argue that potentially—yes, to a certain and often minor degree. The same thing happens after an organ transplant.

The fact is that we have many different people’s (and Overlords’) DNA mixed in our bodies via our ancestral line—we have our grandparents’, cousins’, and uncles’ etc. DNA, and as mentioned, the DNA of the “gods.” We are born with a blank slate (complete amnesia), and we fill in the blanks during our lifetime by acting and reacting to our environment. We are also affected by our ancestral DNA. All this makes up “you” in this lifetime. We become our choices in life, so to speak.

Your negative thoughts could, of course, be from the transfusion, but I have also read that a mother’s mood can change to some degree after childbirth, whether or not there was a transfusion involved. It’s hard to say what is what, but you are the one experiencing it, so you might have a better feel for what it is.

Just remember you are in charge of you. We continuously experience trauma in our lives that change us. Try to see these negative thoughts from that perspective. This means we all must deal with trauma in our lives and try to overcome it the best we can. When these thoughts come in, acknowledge them, and train yourself to replace them with more positive thoughts that you’d rather think. I hope this helps some.

Question #3:

At the moment we see two parties battling on the world stage—one is NATO US and Jews, and the other Russia, Iran, and China… As long as Marduk is playing alone now in this prison planet, which other psychopath overlords are behind Russians and allies?


Good question. Although it certainly seems Marduk is the guy with the feather in his hat these days, my research, leading to the Isis book, was mostly about the western world. I didn’t touch much on Asia, Africa, Australia, and South America. More research would be needed to better understand the entire world stage. There are still fractions supporting En.ki and Isis, as I’ve mentioned before (the Rosicrucian’s, York Freemasonry, and more), and there may be others in other parts of the world.

However, because Marduk is En.ki at this point (En.ki is a title that can be translated to “Lord of Earth”), it doesn’t mean everything goes his way. We know from virtually all ancient texts that there is a lot of infighting amongst the Sirians. They all want a bigger piece of the pie than they currently have, and they have different views on how things should be done. I would suggest that’s a part of the conflicts we see, and another part is the same fraction fighting themselves just to create chaos and terror, and potentially reduce the population to some degree. War and conflicts are also great feasts for the Sirians, stealing our energy, which they so desperately need to stay alive.

Question #4:

Due to your work, it inspired me to do some research of my own. I decided to read a bit of Anton Parks.

Wes, the things I’ve read so far are amazing… but they also terrified me to my core.

He describes the chronicles of so many ancient beings and races; how they’ve evolved and adapted. But he also mentions many instances where these superior beings create slave or subordinate races almost on a whim, as though it was nothing to them. The process he describes of these beings being created seems severely lacking in the spiritual aspect to me. These beings sound like they were grown in a lab using advanced genetic technology – I just don’t see where the “soul” or “spirit” part comes in. I mean, are we just lab-made animals, only slightly smarter than actual animals? So far, he has mentioned no part of these “lesser” races such as we humans possessing souls or spirits. The idea of us just being nothing more than genetically randomized flesh-bags scares me, Wes. In fact, this fear is as great as when I first learned about “aliens” in high-school; it shattered my world and almost drove me crazy.

How do you reconcile his writings with some of the spiritual (esoteric) things you speak of?


I found the French author Anton Parks’ work early on in my WPP research, and much of what he wrote about resonated at the time—and he talked about the Queen, which was rare at the time, except in negative terms. However, many star races he presents are not star races at all. For instance, one star race he mentions is the Kingu. That’s not a star race, it’s the name/title for Prince Ninurta in the Enûma Eliš (the Babylonian creation story), and it goes on and on. I agree there is some interesting stuff in Parks’ research, but much of it is confusing and inaccurate, in my opinion. However, he might say the same about my material.

Our physical bodies were made with technology, so you could say we were made in a “lab.” But that’s just our meat bodies. You are most likely a soul-mind-spirit (3-UC), and that is the real you, of course, not the body, which eventually will decay and die. As we know, life here is filled with trauma—it’s a very harsh environment to live in. This is not how it should be, and that’s why I suggest we leave the Matrix through a hole in the Grid when this lifetime is over and return home. You are eternal—it’s just the body that will die.

Regarding the comparison with Parks, I am personally no longer making that comparison—they are two completely different pieces of work with different conclusions.

Question #5:

In “Simulations and the Wheels of Time in the Developing Worlds” you mentioned exit points. The only one you stated was from age 26 to 32 years old. I was 28 years old when I had a deeply profound moment to leave Los Angeles (where I was living at the time) ASAP (as soon as possible). Had I not heeded that powerful feeling, it is extremely likely I would not be here today, Wes. At any rate, you mentioned there were a total of four of them. What are the other three age ranges?


I learned about these exit points from Barbara Marciniak’s “Pleiadians.” They said that one such exit point is Saturn return (approximately when we are 26-32 years old). It means that during this time, we have a choice to change destructive patterns and go in a different direction in life. Of course, everything is based on choices, but because of the energies from Saturn, we are at risk during that age (as we can see when it comes to the dead rock stars, etc.). According to the Pleiadians, the other exit points are not the same for each person—they are “tailormade.” It is also possible to bypass and overcome all these four exit points, at which we are extra vulnerable, and continue living longer than supposed to.

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  1. Yes the ccp and the Islamic world have great history as well. I believe ccp was created when mau was inserted by the globalists, but who knows, it could go further back. But of course they’ve always been a wild card.
    And who was Muhammad? Another incarnation of marduk to create that race? Both of these races are very militaristic (as we all are now I suppose). Many many questions still folks. But we’re starting to figure it all out.

  2. I seen a miniseries called Merlin while back basically, all these Hollywood movies or whatever always use a dark queen as the antagonist, we all know why, but the final soulution in this movie was for the protagonist (it’s been awhile since I’ve seen it so I may get the basics wrong) to simply laugh at her and say you’re going to do what and then turn his back on her and walk away, but he also had all the help of the townspeople do the same, basically she just shriveled up after that. What’s that tell you? This soulution always hit me hard, it has guided my actions since.
    we need to pull all stakes out of this construct, if we all did it it would be over in a heartbeat, that 100th monkey will be hit quick, but we all know that.

  3. Thanks Wes, I think the Star Trek series, all five, through the years have all told the Orion Universe story as well to some degree aside from all the hollywood glitz. Holding on to Gene Roddenberry’s vision through Rick Berman and his team. Their warp drive technology is basically dark matter or spirit used to get around the physical universe (they use spaceships etc for travel). Of course one of their antagonist is the Orion syndicate. And they have a dark queen that leads the Borg, the nanoboted cyborgs that want to assimilate all Beings in the universe. So there’s always that overlord twist, but we can read between the lines.

    1. Yes, Star Trek has a lot of truth in it, although, as you point out regarding the characters, they are inverted (opposite to the truth). If we look at it that way, it makes sense. Roddenberry channeled the Star Trek story from a group called The Nine. Uri Geller was also involved in that group. They were, of course from the Matrix, and ran the errands of the Overlords. Thus, truth in plain sight, but inverted.

  4. Yes sir, let’s all do that dance we all know and love called the Overlord Twist. Haha

  5. Probably wrong venue, but I have an insecurity (I have issues of unworthiness) hope you can spare the time. I’m 73, smoked too much pot, so may be self retarded. My imagination is either broke or retarded, it used to work. I seem smart enough. I have too much empathy with related sympathy (others circumstances, stories can really affect me emotionally). Because of my very reduced ability to close my eyes and envision stuff and things, I’m afraid I’m an NPC or meat sack. I’ve read a lot of your writings over the years, but I don’t recall you mentioning a “self test” to determine if one is endowed with Sophia’s spirit.
    Your “research, opinion” is, in my view, the closest to the truth. Thank you for you efforts to educate us.

    1. I would suggest that if you had imagination, empathy, compassion, in the past–even if you feel you’ve lost much of it now–you’re spirited. From your comment, you certainly don’t seem like being an NPC. Sometimes, our chakras can get blocked because of trauma, drugs, and for other reasons, and we get cut off from the upper chakras. I only have experiences with MY chakras, so I can’t give any personal advice. Perhaps meditation will work to begin with if you want to improve and get in touch with your upper chakras again. Worth a try, IMO.

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