My name is Wes Penre. This video platform contains my continuous research, based on “THE WES PENRE PAPERS,” which can be found at https://wespenre.com. It is helpful, but not totally necessary, to first read the papers because that’s where the detailed background material is. However, many people are able to follow my video series without having too much pre-knowledge.

If you are visiting this website for the first time, I suggest that you start listening to the videos from the beginning (Video 1) to get the most out of them. These videos are chronological and by watching them, you will be able to follow our research in the order we made it.

Wes Penre conducts research into metaphysics, the E.T. presence on Earth, how to exit this Construct that many people call the Matrix, our human origins, and much more.

Wes also has backup channels at https://freedom.social/cmpgm-wes19 and https://www.bitchute.com/channel/0QQEIkTlvwzt/

Other blogs and websites:

The Wes Penre Papers: https://wespenre.com/
Illuminati News: http://illuminati-news.com/