Q&A Session #1, February 2024

By Wes Penre, February 4, 2024


Here is a general Q&A, in wait for potential more questions about the Isis book. I have quite a few regular questions to address, anyway, so this is a good opportunity. Thank you for all your questions! Please send more to wespenre2@gmail.com, and put Q&A in the subject line, so I won’t miss your email.

If you are interested in checking out any of my books, please go to https://amazon.com and type Wes Penre into the amazon search engine at the top of their page.

Now to this week’s questions:

Question #1: Hi Wes: Loving the Orion book, finished first one and now reading 2nd Orion book.

1st Orion Book mentions about 9,600 years since grid was erected, as we understand linear time here with the grid.

Is this “Noah’s Flood” or total since Tiamat was blown up?

Comment: Scholars have different opinions on this—even Christian scholars. Calculating time in the Matrix is a tricky thing because time is circular, not linear, and it’s bound to be incorrect in many instances. We hear numbers, such as 9,600 years, 13,500 years, and as I’m think currently, 15,000 years since the Flood occurred, based on simple mathematics (see my upcoming book, “Simulations and the Wheels of Time in the Developing Worlds,” hopefully to be published on Amazon around March-April 2024). The biblical texts, on the other hand, puts the Flood about 3,297 BCE (see diagram above). If we study ancient texts, it seems reasonable to believe that the Grid was not set up immediately after the Flood. En.ki rebelled (Lucifer’s Rebellion) just before the Flood, but he hid his intentions well into the 3rd Construct (the Matrix) before he tilted the planet in a 40-45 degree angle (can’t remember exactly) and created the Grid. This put us in a frequency band where we became hard to find by other star beings, which was exactly what En.ki intended (BTW, as an update and a correction on my part: Tiamat, which was Construct #1, was, of course, created by the Queen in the KHAA [Spirit Universe] with some help from archangels and the Vulcan race, as discussed in the WPP. But after that, I had a misunderstanding, being biased from reading the Mesopotamian texts. En.ki did not create homo sapiens in the Second Construct] the Second Atlantis on Earth—Tiamat being the First Atlantis]. It was Ninurta and Isis. More about that in the upcoming book…).

Question #2: Does the Quantum Pause exercise connect you to the divine mind? Today [when] I was fearing the outcome of a situation, the fear was taking over. I tried affirming and got a bit of relief.

Next, I did the Quantum Pause for a few times and I no longer FELT fear; the sensation of fear vanished from my body. I was relaxed and able to focus on the task at hand for a while. It’s amazing how I knew the situation can happen and still I didn’t fear it. I was detached from fear, and hence the question in the beginning came to my mind.

Also, if this state of mind sort of becomes permanent, then since the emotions can no longer take over you, do you also get rid of the illnesses that were manifested because of these emotions (referring to the complete dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel)?

Comment: Great questions! What the Quantum Pause does is to connect us with Spirit, existing in the sub-quantum realm, i.e., the Nanoverse, which is Orion. Isis breathed the “breath of life” into humans when she and Ninurta created the first homo sapiens, and thus, she “sprinkled” Spirit into our physical bodies, making it easy for us to attach to them. Spirit is not anxious. Spirit is not afraid. The Matrix mind is often both. Therefore, when we connect with our own Spirit (spirit bodies), we calm down, and anxiety decreases. This is why Quantum Pause works. It imitates the “breath of life.”

I’ve often said, “everything is inverted… the Health Industry creates disease…” and I find that to be very true. I admire surgeons because they save lives. The rest are mostly working against the health of the individual, with and without their personal knowledge. “Drug them down so they shut up, and I’ll get a fat check from Big Pharma.” We’ve all heard about “mind over matter.” Keep in mind that, in this matrix, our physical bodies are replacements for our spirit bodies from whom we are more or less detached, and so long as we live in the Matrix, our sapiens body is a part of our makeup. The mind affects the body, and the body affects the mind. It works both ways. Listen to your body. The body is a living entity we need to take care of to achieve equilibrium in the Matrix, and it contains our DNA and soul fires (in the cells). If “mind over matter” is true, then we can, with the correct knowledge, heal our bodies from illness.

Question #3: So, if this is a matrix designed to recycle souls through the reincarnation trap, where do they get the new souls to fill this trap? We are up to 8 billion people and growing…

Is there a trap in the real universe, Orion, that we should avoid keeping from ending up back here after we escaped the Grid, aka the Matrix?

Comment: To comment on the first question first: I had the same question a few years ago, until I got the answer—at least to some degree. We are only so many human 3-UCs on the planet, so if we procreate like rabbits, we run out of 3-UCs, don’t we? To remedy that, the Overlords, starting with En.ki, “hijacked” souls from outside the Matrix, who were unlucky to get too close to the Grid (from the outside). These “aliens” make up some of the 3-UC deficiency. Additionally, as many researchers have suggested, there are those we call NPCs (Non-player characters), who lack genuine soul-minds (2-UCs) or soul-minds-spirit body (3-UCs). These consist only as artificial soul-minds, mimics of the Queen’s creation of soul-minds by En.ki when he created souls at Lake Baikal about let’s say, 10,000 years ago. We, who are not NPCs, still have artificial souls (avatars in small letters) in which our 3-UCs are trapped, but we are more than En.ki’s artificial souls. The NPCs are not. They have only one life, and these people are all around us. They don’t necessarily need to be evil; they just can’t evolve.

Second: There is no trap in the Orion Universe that I know of. It’s diverse because it’s a universe in creation, so everything exists there, but we choose where we want to roam and what to do.

Question #4:

  1. If all these ” Religions ” are made up by these ” Beings “, including the JESUS CHRIST CHARACTER, where does that leave the story of the ” 12 Tribes of Israel ” who are descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?  Is that made up as well?
  2. Is ” Enlil ” YAHAWAH? Many Scholars support this. I used the Name YAHAWAH because King Mesha mentions his name on the Moabite Stone Circa 831 BC where he mentioned that he Captured the Israelites and Took The Vessals from The Temple.
  3. I grew up in a ” Religious Environment “,  but I don’t accept any of them, especially ” Christianity ” . Are these ” Beings ” still Alive? Enlil, Isis,  Enki, Marduk, et al? This all feels like a NIGHTMARE!!
  4. Is ISIS INANNA? It would appear that way.
  5. And if these Beings are GODS, They appear to be ” Physical in Nature, “ Not Spiritual or Spirit. Bloodline Wars? I and my Wife are O+ , that runs in my and her family.
  6. I read your papers on the Grid awhile back, very interesting, because ” Churches ” Don’t Teach or Touch These Topics. Again, I have a Profound Distaste For Any Religion. But I do find ” Eschatology ” fascinating because I studied it for some time from various sources. There Is Something To It. It Ties With World Events As We See Around The World Today.
  7. The Dome Is Also Something I Looked Into, and I Say It’s Real.
  8. I traveled around the world, and I crossed the Equator, and Never Saw The Curve of The Earth! All Beaches I Stood on Around The World are Straight!  How Do You Get a Curve on a Supposed Globe When the Beaches Are Straight?
  9. I served on the USS MIDWAY during the early 70s, so I asked that query to many people. The Origins of The Globe Go Way Back. Your Book on that upcoming Topic should be of interest to me. Denying The Dome Must Be a Reason Behind It.

Comment: These are a lot of questions, but I like them, so I’ll do my best to comment.

  1. No, that’s real, in the sense that the Hebrews were “created” by Marduk and Isis. This is where Marduk took control of the Shem bloodline (Shem being a son of Noah). He created the 12 Tribes of Israel and became the YHVH who “guided” the Hebrews out of Egypt a few thousand years BCE. This resulted in only ONE person reaching Canaan, while about one million people died. Great job, Marduk. Marduk’s justification (as YHVH) was that this one person was the only one TRUE believer in “God.” See the Isis book and my upcoming book for more information.
  2. YHVH originated with the Queen of the Stars (our Creatrix). It’s not a name, but a title, compared to a “carpenter,” if you will. You can be a carpenter and then a baker. Then, another person takes your carpenter title. Throughout human history, YHVH has been the Queen, Prince En.lil, Prince En.ki, and Marduk, respectively. To distinguish, we need to learn about their characters. How do we do that? Through syncretism. That’s how the WPP works. The incident you mentioned points at Marduk. En.ki was no longer in “the game” in that sense. Again, see my Isis book on Amazon.com.
  3. Yes. All of them. It’s not that they ever die. Their physical bodies may, but not their soul, minds, or spirit.
  4. Yes.
  5. They might not be “spirited” in the sense we are (although some of them are), but you’re right. Those beings who control us are VERY physical. And yes again, it’s ALL about the Bloodline War (The Story of Isis book…). And I mean it, it’s ALL about Bloodline Wars—that’s why we live in this Matrix.
  6. Well, I’m glad you’re looking into things to determine what resonates and what not. I have personally not heard of Eschatology, which doesn’t mean there is nothing to it.
  7. I agree.
  8. What if we take another approach? Just consider: What IF the Earth is convex and we live inside? Wouldn’t that give an answer to both the round-earthers and the flat-earthers? Our physical soil would then be more flattish, but the skies would be bent. Why do we think life appears on the outside? Especially since gravity does not exist, but magnetism does? I will discuss this hypothesis in the upcoming book.
  9. I hope you’ll read it…

Question #5: Knowing that time may be short before the new simulation of this construct will be fully in place – wouldn’t it make much sense for us to focus on our inner work to become more our true selves and rid ourselves thoroughly from all that belongs to this matrix in order to leave at the proper moment?

With the help of your publications, [do] we, the readers, know enough of the construct and how it functions and taking care of ourselves, to stand in our own authority and truth,  instead of giving our energy away any longer?

Comment: Yes, it does make sense to focus on inner work. Be aware, however, that it’s so much hocus-pocus about it out there. Don’t buy into everything you hear or read. Don’t do regression therapy, hypnosis, or other “going back on the timeline” therapy. It creates more damage than it solves. That’s New Age, and it’s Marduk trying to stop us from evolving as a species—very clever. Inner Work means overriding the programming, and you can only do this in two phases: 1) disconnect from people, family or not, who abuse you and make you “feel small.” Once that is done, regain your power by exploring yourself and who you are. That will create boundaries.

On my blog, I have something called the 21-Day Reprogramming,[1] which has helped me a lot after having left abusive relationships. Many life coaches out there make it seem so difficult to recover. Well, it’s not a breeze, but some of them want to make a buck or two, so they want you to get attached to their philosophy, and you go from one abuser to another. I’m not saying all YouTube therapists out there are “bad.” Prof. Sam Vaknin and Richard Grannon, and a few others, helped me a lot, but ultimately, it’s a matter of having the courage to face your own ”demons.” We will gain from doing it in the Matrix because, like Tesla said, “It’s all about energy.” You will exit through the Grid in a certain condition (read, “vibration”) and that’s where you will roam in Orion until you increase your inner frequency. You can choose to do it here (which I advise), or in Orion. If you choose the latter, you need to mingle with star beings on the same vibration. You know what vibration that will be, because it’ll match yours.

Question #6: Hey Wes, I have heard a lot about the Age of Aquarius and that it’s some type of awakening soon to happen. But when do we actually enter it? Do we have an estimation? Will it happen in our lifetime? Would like to hear your opinion on it.

Comment: It’s supposed to happen soon, based on astrology (which I will go into in GREAT detail in the new book). But there are those (read Marduk), who want to break the Wheels of Time and create their own construct. Therefore, the Age of Aquarius may be the most unreliable age in the history of man. If you read my upcoming book, you’ll understand what mean, for sure…

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A shout-out and special thanks to my Tier 2 to 4 Patrons, whose support is invaluable so I can continue my work. Here are a few who have accepted having their names mentioned. When I post videos, I will separate the Shout-out from the regular honorary mentions, as I used to do, but when I’m posting articles, I see no reason to separate them:

Lucy, Nadine&Jose, Naturalvet, Higherground. Denise R., Kim C., Esty, Susan Hassett, Vianne, Hema, Suzanna, Lova, αἰϝών, Stranne, SS, Ninotchka, Conrad Nagel, R3yn, Sovereign Spirit, Vitalinfo, KIM MIN SUNG, Cheryl, MCMG, Andrew, MikeO, Yohan Tengra, Renerio, Jose Capareda, Leo B., Claudia, Josh Churchill, Mark, Heidi, Jeff & Kathy Hatten, Meryl, Austėja, and Haya.

[1] https://wespenrevideos.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Video-263-Needs-Trauma-Behavior-and-Reprogramming.pdf

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