Video 197: How to Control our Thoughts and Diminish the Effects from Thought-Forms

The question is, how do we control our thoughts, and how do we prevent thought-forms from interacting with us, whether it is in manifested form or as voices or thoughts in our heads? Can we, for example, set up some kind of boundaries that keep both our unwanted artificial-soul-instigated thoughts and thought-forms away from us? Is it even possible?

The Quantum Pause by James Mahu of the WingMakers (PDF)

Transcript to the video


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  1. Thank you for this video. I felt as if it was created just for me❣️ Great suggestions for setting boundaries. I especially liked the reminder to breathe. I use to use the quantum pause regularly but got out of the habit. I do, however, use the term “cancel that” when I express something that I realize immediately should not have escaped my lips. As always, your videos and other information are always right on target.

    1. Yes, I figured it was good to bring up the breathing again–particularly as I forget to use it myself. :). It’s a great and important tool to regain soul energy.

    1. Yes, and I can feel that we were pretty confused when we woke up. I don’t even think we understood that was part of the Invaders. We knew him as one of the Queen’s Helpers, and when hell broke loose, it was just confusing to us.

  2. Thank you. Great info and reminder for the breathing practice. Why did Marduk brought over the petrified remains of the original beings from Tiamat? Wouldn’t he be want to hide our origins?

    1. He didn’t bring them over…they were “glued” into the environment. This happens when nuclear weapons are used. Another example of that is Sodom and Gomorrah. These beings became petrified in seconds when the nuclear weapons hit the target. There are even petrified trees and mushrooms still here on Earth. Google it, and you’ll find it 🙂

      1. Thank you Wes for clarifying. I have seen images of giant petrified beings and animals before and listened to one of your videos on this topic. I just didn’t know how did they get here. So basically when the second construct was created, our present Earth was “patched” together from the usable pieces of Tiamat along with some of the petrified population that glued into Tiamat due to the nuclear war.
        And because the Queen’s spirit was embedded into Tiamat some of her energies are also in Earth. That’s why you’ve been saying to those that want to save Earth, though it is a noble sentiment but this world is Enki’s and not our original home planet.

        I do have a couple of more questions related to this topic I’ll send them to your Q&A.

        1. Regarding petrifaction…yes, you are correct. So, you can imagine that out in the asteroid belt, many of these asteroids contain petrifaction, as well.

          Yes, because the human soul group is still here, the Queen’s energies are still in “Gaia”/Earth because we keep them there, and we are parts of Her. However, as you’ve noticed, the Global Elite makes sure we destroy that connection as much as we can by getting away from nature and Mother Earth (now Father Earth). Only a few percentage REALLY care about nature and the connection that is still there. The Singularity is the final blow against our connection both with Nature and our Mother (the Queen) Herself…

          1. Thank you Wes. I’ve noticed when I was making a comment from my iPhone (yes, iPhone:) I came up as anonymous. It asked me for my e-mail and user name again. I was puzzled because I have an account for a while and when I am commenting from my laptop it is automatically connecting me to WordPress. It seems that I have to enter my e-mail and user name on the smart system in order to be recognised as a WordPress user. I don’t know how it all works I’m just guessing. (Margareta)

            I was thinking the same, the Queen’s soul is also in the asteroid belt as part of Tiamat. The Queen still has some awareness of this area I suppose but not as much as she could have via our original chakra system. I’m referring to your earlier explanation.

            The effort of the few percentage doesn’t seem to be enough to keep humanity connected. Besides Father Earth’s reality was built to protect his own system and it is a brilliant trap. After the take over it was little hope for the trapped souls “spoils of the war” to ever escape. As Gandalf’s says “There never was much hope just the fool’s hope”.

  3. I’m an introvert person, and introverts are known to be easily drained and overwhelmed around too many people, that’s why we’re much comfortable to be alone or just in a little company. I just wanna ask if introverts are kind of people who lacks boundaries? Or this is really just our personality? Thanks!

    1. Introversion, if it’s our common state of being, usually comes from having been emotionally abused as children. The introversion and withdrawal from others is an escape mechanism. Yes, it becomes a part of our personality because we are born with a “clean slate” and we form our personality based on the environment we’re in the first 7 years or so of our lives. Many people in the spiritual field are introverted, and many people in this field are quite emotionally wounded. That’s why most of us started looking into spirituality in the first place.

    1. Yes, exactly! It’s a perfect example. Anyone who really looks at it can see that it’s a tree stump turned to stone (petrified). And because it’s just a stump, it’s easy to imagine how big the tree once was.

      About 1 1/2 years ago, I drove through Utah and Wyoming. OMG, many of the mountains there were petrified beings–many were human-like. There was no doubt about it. The interstate was fairly busy, and I thought that all these people who drive here everyday have no clue that this is something else but what they consider mountains. It’s quite mind-blowing….

  4. I love this. VERY useful. Hope ‘Cancel that!’ works on thoughts of chocolate too:) Thank you Wes.

  5. Great video wes. I have used the quantum pause breathing.
    It is similar to qigong used in the far east.

  6. Thank you for showing us these lovely messages and also how En Ki Senior had recreated close to what his mother the prime creator of the Universe had created before it was destroyed. I keep hearing about the Sirians contacting people and saying they are returning in 2033. Are they the same Sirian Starseeds as the evil ones that betrayed all that is good or are they another kind @wespenre ? It bites how some of the Vulcans also had betrayed what is good for bad and well, no surprise for Gula, mother Mary, or Nin Har Sag or Isis; the many names she tends to carry like the others. I get confused sometimes as to if she is Mother Mary or if it is our dear Prime Creator who represents Mother Mary? I am getting two versions and mixed messages.

    1. It IS confusing because they are not names–only titles. The root of Mary, for example, is “mother,” which of course is a title that even we human adopt as soon as we have a child. If you have a child, your name is not Mother, but you use it as a title to describe your new position. So, who is who? It depends on the circumstance and the context. Nin is one of the Queen’s titles, originally, but Isis used it, too, because she considers herself being the mother of homo sapiens.

      1. Thank you @wespenre I appreciate your insight and reply on the name confusion. It is still crazy that some consider Mother Mary as Isis or her other names and then Mother Mary sounds more like prime creator, the Queen of Orion in a being form, although she is all that is, which we are part of as her children. Then we are also Isis’ children is crazy, because she is not Prime Creator but daughter of Mikael of Orion or St. Michael the Arch Angel. So much to think of and understand finally. Lol!

  7. This video is inspiring. Thank you. I agree correct breathing is the key for a balanced mental state. I just don’t get that ‘quantum pause being developed by James Mahu’ when it was already developed in the east. A basic yoga technique.

  8. Hi, Wes! I still don’t get it!
    How come the Queen couldn’t save us despite all her effort.
    Wasn’t she supposed to be the most poweful being in this universe? No matter what kind of weapon they used in the attack, she could have prevented the harm. Or at least predicted the attack and done something in advance to avoid all that.
    What went wrong?
    Why did the evil win the good?

    1. Luisa…. Ya!!!!
      Forget prevented, what about her predicting that massacre? Did she know? If yes what does that show??
      —each question answered leads to ten more unresolved issues. Yar!!!!!!!!

        1. Ariel
          Lovely point about the differences between how enki wishes us to view him versus what this queen charactar is all about. Maybe she values surprises, learning and mistakes as means to more experiences and variety?? The lord of ea. rth is always convinced he knows it all and therefore cannot change. The queen on the other hand might be open to bettering herself through tough trials that lead to new things. Knowing everything would get old real fast.
          – i did like the wpp explanation of how we are hostages. Attack enki and he blows the lid off. That is a very plausable reason why there was no rescue party from orion later on.

          1. We live in a Universe of Freewill and Freedom to Create–the Queen is no exception. She doesn’t put Herself above that. She is more compassionate and knows better than being a Ruler or a Dictator. This will be long, but it’s a comment I made in the Member Section of our forum (

            It was not so much for young souls to “evolve” as we think of evolving. A soul out in the KHAA starts out in a soul group on a star or sometimes a planet and sometimes somewhere else. They start from “scratch” with a lower “3D consciousness” (compare with how scientists describe Neanderthals, etc.) and work themselves up in an environment that is created for that soul group in particular. Every star system is different in order to get more out of the different experiences between star races.

            We humans were born with Creator God abilities already, but we were lowered into the higher densities of the Third Dimension to have a physical experience on a planet and in a 3D body (Namlu’u). Contrary to other star beings, the Queen inserted Herself in us, so we could have Her soul and direct connection to spirit (thus, we hear every now and then that we are a “Royal” species). She created us as individuated units of consciousness (separate souls), so we could have a greater and more diverse experience. Could we operate for a certain time in a 3D environment and come out of that experience with more love and compassion than before we incarnated there? What would we create in such an environment? Would we bypass conflicts, control, hierarchies, elitism, and whatnot, if we were left alone? That was the test. If we would pass, She would continue with similar experiments to populate the KHAA with higher levels of consciousness when it comes to creator gods/goddesses.

            The Tiamaat Experiment was time sensitive. It was only supposed to last for a certain time (with Saturn/the Sun as Father Time, i.e. the set alarm clock), and then it would stop and the entire human soul group would be returning to Orion (graduate). Then, an evaluation would be done…did the Experiment turn out the way the Queen hoped for, or was it a failure? Well, we never got the chance to graduate, but the Experiment went beyond expectations until the Invaders came. As I see it, She let the Experiment continue–now in’s hands–to see if we could make it even under harsher conditions (this is all about the future of the Universe, and we were the pioneers to see if creator gods could create from another perspective than was previously the case…it’s all about expansion of the Universe). Mind you that She didn’t force some random soul group to participate in this–She has inserted HERSELF into this harsh Experiment (i.e. you and me and all other humans, who are all part of the Queen).

            However, messed up (as usual), and the Queen and Khan En.lil decided, with from what it seems, humanity’s consent, to end the Experiment. Thus, the Flood. But once again went behind Orion’s back and had prepared a trap for many human souls (such as us who are still here), and only some of the human souls returned to Orion. And isolated this Construct from the rest of the Universe and closed it. How did he do that? It has to do with sacred geometry… cubes, rectangles, and other shapes with angles, in contrast to the Queen’s creative preferences, which are the circles and the spirals (round vs. angle). See the Emerald Tablets of Thoth (our video series on him), and you might see what I mean. This goes beyond human understanding, but one day we will understand more about this…

            1. …”in contrast to the Queen’s creative preferences, which are the circles and the spirals (round vs. angle)”.True.

            2. Thoth tells people to move in circles while in the astray not angles cuz thats how they move in thus construct?

              -he also says you can conjure him by saying his name three times I tried this and it didn’t work, 👻

                1. Rex Bear, who is the host of “The Leak Project” evoked the Seven Lords mentioned in the Emerald Tablets by pronouncing the names mentioned there. He said that afterwards, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

            3. The curvature of the queen’s creation, cool.
              Ill bet particles are pixels in this patrix.
              Always thought of the construct as a rubix cube composed of an infinant number of fluxitating fractals that are themselves the individual timelines.
              Its a box. Perhaps this is why right angles dominant our artechature??

              1. …and then we have the expression, “thinking outside the box,” right? Interesting, isn’t it? And yes, this is a patriarchal system, where angles are dominant–particularly in architecture.

            4. Hey, Wes! Hope all is fine with you. Based on what you’ve just exposed about the Queen, should we consider Her a sacred being as the sacred geometry is considered?
              And do you think we should be grateful to the universe or to the Queen when we accomplish something in our life?
              Thanks in advance. :)))

              1. Hi Luisa! I think we should be grateful to ourselves for our accomplishments. The Queen dislikes worship and projections onto Her, when She didn’t do anything–it was we who accomplished something and not Her. IMO, if we ask the Universe for assistance and we receive what we ask for, it’s perfectly fine to thank the Universe. In essence, asking the Universe for help is nothing different from setting an intention, but sometimes it helps to strengthen our intentions by asking for assistance, and being grateful is a very positive vibration.

                1. Hey, Wes! Thanks for clarifying my doubts. It so kind of you to give us your valuable attention. May you have a very gratifying lifetime! \♡/ xoxo

    2. Hi, Luisa! Perhaps people are confusing and projecting their concept of God onto the Queen of Orion. The God here ( has convinced people that he is an all-knowing and all-powerful, indestructible being. Because of this manipulation and brainwashing, some people have mistakenly just exchanged the concept of “God” with “Queen of Orion” and projected the same qualities onto Her. “God”, as we have been taught to believe, is a false concept. It was taught to us by the one who wanted us to believe HE was “God”.

  9. I am delightfully astounded that the quantum pause is is mentioned! It is profoundly altering! It is part of the very first step, of my 7 step auricular acupressure sequence, that is simultaneously combined with acupressure applied with the fingers to the centre of the ear – the reflex rebooting the entire nervous system, the zero point!!!

    1. That is a good question. I need to look into that, and if necessary, upload it again. Please check in a little later, and it will hopefully be up and running…

  10. Hi Wes!

    I wanted to share some story i heard from my mother. It may confirm some of the stuff you speak about but awso bring some new stuff in.

    It was many years ago. My mother had a rare condition with something and she had to do some operation to get better.

    It was on this day when she had to have an operation in a hospital and while the operation process started she had an OBE.
    This is what she told me what happend on this day many years ago.

    While she get operated she suddenly started floating over her bed and could clearly see the doctors working on her and hear what they were saying. It seemed that something went wrong so the doctors where in a panic mode while she watched herself/body laying down there. Some doctors where saying stuff like “be quick” and “we are losing her” and to speed stuff up and a nurse was running the hallway near the operation room (my mother couldn’t see the nurse but hear her footsteps running). Im not sure about how long this all takes place but if i would have to guess maybe 30 sec to 1 min. Then all of a sudden my mother gets “pulled in” or sucked in with high speed in something that she describes as a tunnel like space with very different bright lights and was looking like small corridors. She say that she was pulled in it and she was moving/flying in a very fast high speed. She say that she was really scared to crash against something looking like a wall or where this tunnel ends while moving in high speed. She awso say that she instinctively put her hands like covering herself for protection in the moment where it seem that in this high speed she would crash against the end of this space/tunnel. (I assume that her subconscious created an energy body which resembled similar to her real life body hence why she covert her up instinctively to protect herself from the crash) But there was no crash . Everytime she tought “this is it” while flying in full speed in the very last moment when this tunnel seemed to end it acctually continued in a different angle. Like lets say driving a car with 200km/h and you make a 90 degree turn all of a sudden in an instant and at the end of it acctually there is a sharp turn to the right or left for example.. I’m not sure how fast this all was but she say it was very very fast non stop flying in this different angles in a space which looked similar to a tunnel which was narrow and had very different bright lights. She say that she was “pulled” in there like a force pulling her in there and she had no control and didn’t know what was happening. She was awso very scared because of the fast speed and not to crash in full speed against the end of this tunnel. And at the end of all this i am not exactly sure how this acctually ended. I’m missing this piece and cannot recollect what she say about it. I may interpret something from here on because i cannot remember what and how exactly this endet (the very last part of this). All i know is that she may come to a more open space and that the high speed flying stopped and she almost immidiatly get back to her body. Im not sure about this last sentance because i cannot recollect/remember this part. All i know is that something happens and she stops flying and in a very short time after she is all of a sudden back down to her body. I assume from the point where she is back she means when she wake up from the operation and from there her memory continues and she remembers anything that happend in between crystal clear.

    This is pretty much what she told me and i can guarantee you my mother isn’t lying or making any of this stuff up.. I’m just here to give this story unfiltered how she explain it to me what happend many years ago. I can tell you it was so long ago that barely anyone had internet at all at that time. It was in the early 90’s. She has zero knowledge about anything you write or is familar with any of this or any new age stuff.

    But there is awso more stuff that happend back then around this time. It was that my mother found out that she can heal people but didn’t know how she does it. I remember there was some guy a collegue or a friend of my father or my mother i don’t know anymore who he was. But we were driving a car for about 4-5 hours and i was sitting in there and this guy was with us in the car. No idea how it came about but he had some chronic pain in his head or neck area. My mother try to heal him for maybe an hour or longer by putting her hands on this head/neck area (no idea how exactly she does it maybe with extra intention while putting the hands over his head/neck area i have no clue.. But what i observed was that she holdet her hands for at least 1 hour near his pain area). In the end it worked out and this guy started later to thank my mother many times for this. This awso happend around this time all in the early mid 90’s..There was later some people that get in contact with my mother and wanted to teach her something about this (the healing). So they invited her to go in middle of the night in some park where there was this group of people waiting but my father refused und say “are you crazy ? I’m not letting you go there..” Anyway some of this people or i don’t know exactly who it was but someone told my mother to stop healing people because she would give her energy away which may be bad for herself. I remember that my mother told me that one of this people whoever they were did something like a short test and 1 of them was a healer himself and he say that her energy is way stronger then his own. Someone advice her later to stop doing and healing people but i have no memory of who it was. Maybe this healer guy that tested my mother or one of this group of people i just cannot remember this details…

    And there is acctually even more…
    My mother had a small shop with my father and they both worked there but my father acctually works in the military.

    But it was my mother alone in this shop one day and around maybe 50-60 or 70 meter away from there was a kindergarten. Then all of a sudden an UFO appeared over this kindergarden. The thing is it hovered for many minutes there and my mother told anyone that came in the shop and show them the ufo. So not only she saw it but everyone else that was there as well. Later it even came in the local news about it.. Anyway she say the standart stuff that it had a circular shape and it had different lights under it. It was barely maybe 50-70 meter away and hovering a little higher over the kindergarden building exactly straight from the shop that my mom had awso nothing blocked the view in between because there is nothing there was only a street and on the other side of the street the kindergarten property started with some fence around the whole property and the building itself in the middle so this was acctually really close. I asked as i was a kid why don’t you told me i wanted to see it too lol. But she told me where should i know where you were playing. If i would be near she would have called me like shouting from a far or waved to me to come or something.. (early 90’s pretty much noone had a phone like these days)

    Another thing which seems odd to me is that my brother is allergic to all anesthesia (not to mention that he awso has some rare condition). He had to have some operation which was awso in the 90’s but the doctors found out that they cannot just use any anesthesia to operate on him because he was alergic to all of them. Then some “lucky” timing happend that they found some “specialist” who was one of the very few who wanted to try for the first time in my country to operate on him in a hypnotic state. So my brother became the first patient in my country that was operated fully hypnotized without any anesthesia. There were some camera teams that recordet a test run.
    First they wanted to see if this works so this guy hypnotized my brother and talked to him while they cut him a very small wound to test this. After the cut no blood came out of the wound and my brother didn’t feel anything at all as if nothing happend. So after this success they decided to do a full operation only hypnotizing him without anesthesia. And it worked out so my brother became the first patient that was operated hypnotized in my country. It was awso in the newspapers later.

    And there is acctually more.. My whole family… there was aways some wierd stuff that happend…

    As i was a kid i remember that i was in some underground bunker where my father worked in the military.. Nothing too fance acctually at least not in this room. There was basicly nothing in there a chair and a table with some phone on it. Else they had some computer where they played some games or they watched movies. I remember seeing with them star wars i think “the return of the jedi” on this computer the old movies but it was this one where the movie starts on this ice planet.. Anyway they had plenty of free time till something like an alarm will go on and they will go deeper on lower levels. I remember that as i was around 7 years old and i had one time the privilege to even give some fighter jet pilot an instruction while flying a command so to say to the pilot. My father told me “say exactly what i tell you”. It was something simple like “50° degrees west” and he the jet pilot answered to me with “roger………” Anyway my father told me back then long befor nine eleven if you know what i mean that if they see ANY flying machine going out of route no matter if it is a plane or helicopter or whatever that fly and it has no permission to do so… Then they immidiatly would send 2 fighter jets armed and try to make contact with the flying machine whatever it is. Those jets if they don’t get contact but even if they do they then split up. 1 jet goes infront of the flying machine lets say a normal plane and 1 fighter jet goes behind him. Then they have some sign language that the fighter jet which is in front start slightly shaking his wings in this sign language which means they want for the plane which is in the middle to follow them. Pilots should know this i guess. Then this 2 jets will escort the plane that is flying off his route for whatever reason still in this formation 1 infront and 1 behind and the plane which is escorted in the middle till they land. If the plane do NOT cooperate to follow – then they wait for the next order which in most cases will be to wait till under them is a free space or clear space and then shoot him down.. Just throwing this in lol..

    So this is it for now there is still way more interesting stuff to share but the text will get way too long…
    Take care and good luck all.

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