Gnosis Part 11: The Second Atlantis | The Beginning…

by Wes Penre, June 5, 2020

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A Recap

A few articles ago, we ended the story with Sabaoth telling the First Humans (the Namlú’u) on Tiamaat in the Seventh-Eighth Heaven (the First Atlantis) that humanity’s Destiny is to descend into bodies created by Yaldabaoth in order to shine our Light/Spirit on his realm and reveal his Ignorance, so he can wake up to Spirit and thus have it redeemed and retrieved into Sophia again.

The First Atlantis/Tiamaat was a paradise. There were no wars or conflicts, and everybody lived in peace (the lion/wolf sleeping with the lamb). It seems like the human soul group (containing Spirit) were being prepared in the First Atlantis for their forthcoming mission in Yaldabaoth’s lower realms.

In the Wes Penre Papers (WPP), I wrote about how the Sirians (Archons) came upon Tiamaat and saw humans walking around on a planet, and they said to themselves, “What are these beings doing on our planet?” In the Gnostic texts, this refers to Khan En.lil creating his own domain between the Seventh and Eighth Heaven, as discussed in Gnosis Part 8, and because Khan En.lil’s (Jesus Christ’s) realm was not entirely in Sophia’s Eighth Heaven, the Archons considered Tiamaat being located in their realm. As the reader might recall, Yaldabaoth was designated the Seven Heavens by Sophia to rule over. Therefore, the Archons looked at this as an intrusion.

Before the creation of the First Humans, Sabaoth had been elevated to be in charge over all the Archons and over Yaldabaoth, too, to balance out the injustice which Yaldabaoth represents. Laws and rules, which still dominate our world today, are Yaldabaoth’s creation and is his way of trying to create order out of chaos. He’s the ruler over chaos, and in his ignorance, the only way he knows how to bring order into chaos is by controlling all and everything. From such actions, there is injustice. One of Sabaoth’s tasks is to balance this injustice out, and therefore, he is considered the Lord of Justice,

Over all the archons he appointed an Archon with no one commanding him. He[1] is the lord of all of them, that is, the countenance which the Logos brought forth in his thought as a representation of the Father of the Totalities. Therefore, he is adorned with every <name> which <is> a representation of him, since he is characterized by every property and glorious quality. 

The Tripartite Tractate

The below quote refers to “justice,” Sabaoth, creating the Garden of Eden in the First Atlantis, also mentioning the Tree of Life, representing the immortality of the First Humans—there was no death. Spirit can of course not die, and nor can the souls that were given to us from the Pleroma, until it’s time for Spirit to return there. The body was etheric and a part of the soul construct, so it didn’t die, either.

Then justice created the beautiful paradise…And desire is in the midst of trees, since they are beautiful and appealing. And the tree of immortal life, as it was revealed by the will of god, is in the north of paradise to give life to the immortal saints, who will come out of the fashioned bodies of poverty in the consummation of the age.

On the Origin of the World

When Sabaoth was elevated by Zoë Sophia, Yaldabaoth became envious and jealous, and thus, envy and jealousy became part of Yaldabaoth’s creation and were emanated to become the characteristics of some of his Archons. Yaldabaoth felt that he was bypassed as the God/Ruler of the Kenoma, and this was the spark that instigated Lucifer’s Rebellion, also discussed in depth in the Wes Penre Papers (WPP), The Fourth Level of Learning. Sabaoth now considered Zoë Sophia being his mother, and because she is also Yaldabaoth’s mother, they are, from that perspective, considered half-brothers or stepbrothers, as mentioned in the WPP.

Sabaoth/Prince En.lil became more powerful than the rest of the Archons because he had been given Knowledge from Sophia and given “sparks” of Spirit. This made the other Archons afraid of him. Sabaoth now became the ruler of the Seventh Heaven, which is Saturn.

When the chief creator of chaos [Yaldabaoth] saw his son Sabaoth, and that the glory in which he dwells is more exquisite than all the authorities of chaos, he was jealous of him. And when he was angry, he conceived death from his own death.  It was set up over the sixth heaven; Sabaoth had been snatched away from there. And thus the number of the six authorities of chaos was completed.

On the Origin of the World

In the Seventh Heaven, Sabaoth created his own Kingdom and Helpers, i.e. angels, cherubim[2], and Seraphim. From Sophia, he was also given an army of angels, which resembles the MIKH-MAKH warriors in the WPP. With their assistance, Sabaoth, as Archangel Michael, Second in Command, guarded the stargate of Saturn, which was leading directly into the Eighth Heaven—Orion. As far as I can see, the angels who became the Helpers correspond with the Vulcans/Vegans in the WPP. In my papers, I also discussed how some of the Sirian DAKH warriors changed sides and started working for the Queen and Sabaoth. These correspond with the Seraphim, who according to the Gnostic texts were originally Yaldabaoth’s angels and warriors but at one point turned against their creator, just like Sabaoth did.

When Sabaoth received the place of rest because of his repentance, Pistis also gave him her daughter, Zoë, with great authority, so that she might inform him about everything that exists in the eighth heaven. And since he had authority, he first created a dwelling place for himself. It is huge, magnificent, seven times as great as all those that exist in the seven heavens.

Then in front of his dwelling place he created a great throne on a chariot with four faces, called cherubim.  And the cherubim throne has eight shapes on each side of the four corners—forms of lions and bulls and humans and eagles—so that all of the forms total sixty-four forms. And seven archangels stand before him. He is the eighth, having authority.

Afterward he created an angelic assembly —thousands, myriads without number belong to it—that was like the assembly in the eighth heaven, and a first-born called Israel, that is, the one who sees god … And all of the armies of angels [MIKH-MAKH] glorify him and praise him. But he sits on a throne concealed by a great light-cloud. And there was no one with him in the cloud except Sophia, the daughter of Pistis, teaching him about all those that exist in the eighth heaven, so that the likeness of those might be created, in order that his kingdom might continue until the consummation of the heavens of chaos and their powers.

Now, Pistis Sophia separated him from the darkness and summoned him to her right, but the chief creator she put at her left. Since that day right has been called justice, but left has been called injustice.

On the Origin of the World

Although Sabaoth now had his own Kingdom in the Seventh Heaven, Yaldabaoth, and the Archons, at the time of the Frist Atlantis, did still have access to the Seventh Heaven.

The more glory Sabaoth got, the more envious Yaldabaoth became, until he started the first phase in his retaliation/rebellion by creating Death.

Then, since death was androgynous, he mixed with his nature and conceived seven androgynous children.  These are the names of the males: envy, wrath, weeping, sighing, mourning, lamenting, tearful groaning. And these are the names of the females: wrath, grief, lust, sighing, cursing, bitterness, quarrelsomeness. They had intercourse with one another, and each one conceived seven, so that the children total forty-nine androgynous demons.

On the Origin of the World

As we can see, the attributes he gave to his Archons/Demons were the emotions Yaldabaoth had when he felt he was unjustly bypassed. In juxtaposition to this, Zoë, to balance these characteristics, created her own angels,

In the presence of these, Zoe, who dwells with Sabaoth, created seven good androgynous powers.  These are the names of the males: not-jealous, blessed, joyful, true, not-envious, beloved, trustworthy. And these are the names of the females: peace, gladness, rejoicing, blessedness, truth, love, faith. And many good and guileless spirits come from these.

On the Origin of the World

Creation of the Second Atlantis

The Archons, who now knew that Yaldabaoth was not only less powerful than those whom they had witnessed, but also wasn’t the only God, laughed at him and told him that he was not the Highest God. Yaldabaoth replied,

“Yes, but if you wish that he not be able to ruin our work, come, let’s create a human being from the earth according to the image of our body and according to the likeness of this being,  to serve us, so that whenever this being sees his likeness, he may become enamored of it. Then he will no longer ruin our work, but we shall make those who are born from the light our servants through all the time of this age.”

Now, all this came to pass according to the forethought of Pistis in order that humankind might appear after this likeness and condemn them on account of their fashioned bodies. And their fashioned bodies became fences for the light.


Then the authorities received knowledge necessary to create people.

On the Origin of the World

This was all according to the Divine Plan that Sabaoth had told the Original Humans about. We, the human soul group, were to descend into Yaldabaoth’s Earth in the Third Heaven (Venus) to eventually shine spiritual light into the darkness.

Before the Authorities/Archons started molding mankind, they created trees and animals in the likeness of had appeared in front of them in the First Atlantis,

…every herb sprouted up in the earth according to its kind, having the seed of the authorities and their angels. After these things the authorities created from the waters all species of beasts and reptiles and birds according to their kind, having the seed of the authorities and their angels.

On the Origin of the World

Yaldabaoth Creates Homo Sapiens

Then, it was time to create their own copy/mimic of the humans they had seen in the upper heavens,

At that time the chief creator then expressed his opinion about humankind to those who were with him. Then each of them cast his seed into the midst of the navel of the earth. Since that day, the seven rulers have formed humankind with his body like their body, but his likeness is like the human who appeared to them. His fashioned body came into being one part at a time, and their chief created the brain and nervous system. Afterward the person appeared like the one before him.  He became a person with soul, and he was called Adam, that is, father, after the name of the one who was before him.

On the Origin of the World

In other ancient texts, they distinguish between Adama and Adapa, but not so in the Gnostic texts. Yaldabaoth, as we can see here, used the same name for humans in his own creations as for those created in the First Atlantis.

In the meantime, on Tiamaat in the Seventh/Eighth Heaven, the human soul group was being informed,

Now these things were revealed … to the souls who will come to the fashioned bodies of the authorities.  Concerning these the holy voice [Christ] said, “Multiply and flourish to rule over all the creatures.”  And these are the ones who are taken captive by the chief creator according to their destinies, and thus they were locked in the prisons of the fashioned bodies until the consummation of the age.

On the Origin of the World

When the first flesh body was created in the Second Atlantis, it was lifeless because there was no Spirit in it—and it could not be animated. When Yaldabaoth noticed he was unable to animate the body, he was afraid that the true human would come into his fashioned body and rule over it. Thus, he left Adam[3] lifeless and without a soul.

After forty days, Zoë Sophia blew her breath [Spirit] into the lifeless Adam, who was still without a soul. He started moving around but couldn’t stand up. Then, the Authorities came down again and saw the human move around, and they got very disturbed. They asked “the breath within him” who he was and whence he came. Adam answered them, “I came through the power of the human for the destruction of your work[4].” The Authorities rejoiced because they saw how helpless Adam was, and they celebrated. Relieved, they then ascended to their respective Heaven and left Adam alone.

While the Archons were gone, Sophia sent her daughter, Zoë, also called Eve, as an “instructor” to raise Adam up. She gave him a soul so the body could become fully functional.

When the Archons found out about this, they were once again disturbed and sent seven archangels to see what was going on. Who was this enlightened female, who resembled the likeness that had appeared to them earlier in the cosmic waters? In their fear, they decided to rape Eve/Zoë, so she would become “polluted,” and hopefully, from their perspective, prevent her from returning to the Light[5]. Furthermore, they decided not to tell Adam, but instead, they put Adam to sleep, i.e. made him ignorant. They decided they would tell him that Eve was created from Adam’s rib, so that the woman would serve, and Adam would rule. In other words, they wanted the spiritually asleep humans to rule over the spirited.

This time, they managed to rape Eve, but now it was with her consent and per the plan. A physical body was conceived, which became Adam’s counterpart. Thus, a division between male and female had been created, instead of the androgynous human that had roamed the First Atlantis. Yaldabaoth’s and his Archon’s plan was that once the Spirit of Eve entered their fashioned body, it would be stuck there, being unable to return to the Light that they knew next to nothing about, and at the Consummation of the Age, she would be helpless and not able to disturb their work, i.e. their rulership over matter.

However, the Archons were deceived because they did not know the Divine Plan. As mentioned above, Sophia and Christ wanted the human Spirit to be able to enter Yaldabaoth’s fashioned bodies, so they could work on enlightening the construct from within. So, the Light will eventually condemn the Archons, and it will be done from their own fashioned , spirited bodies.

In Summary

The story of the Second Atlantis, i.e. the Tiamaat which is now perceived as the asteroid belt, will continue in the article after the next one. The next article will discuss in detail how our physical homo sapiens bodies are controlled and who is in control of our emotions and how.

When I wrote the WPP and didn’t have the full story, I mistakenly combined the First Atlantis with the Second, i.e. I told the story as if the first and second Tiamaat were one and the same. I wrote that it started out as a Paradise, until the Invaders (Sirians/Archons) came and destroyed Tiamaat. Taking the Gnostic texts into consideration, we can now clearly see they were two different occasions. The First Atlantis/Tiamaat was a paradise in the Seventh-Eighth Heaven, and the second was Earth/Tiamaat in the Third Heaven (Venus), i.e. the story we are now discussing. This Earth is the asteroid belt we can see in telescopes and on satellite images. Now, in our present time, we have descended further, which will be discusses later, and the destroyed Earth/Tiamaat we can see is just a reflection of the real planet, which existed “above” our current firmament before it was destroyed.

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[1] The Tripartite Tractate refers to Sophia as “he,” so in order to make this more coherent, replace “he” with “she.”

[2] Notice the suffix of the word cherub-im. This is Orion language, where IM denotes plural (compare KHAN.US KHAN.IM, meaning King of Kings (US being singular and IM being plural).

[3] In some instances, Adam is referred to as one single human, and other times this name refers to the entire human soul group.

[4] On the Origin of the World

[5] Ibid.

References and Resources:

On the Origin of the World

The Tripartite Tractate


  1. I am currently reading the Gnostic Texts (The Nag Hammadi Scrptures), and in reading the origins of man understood that the Eve that came from above. created another Eve for the rulers to rape, that it was not the Eve sent from above. I am understanding this right?

    1. Yes, you could say that. Eve/Zoe came from above and blew Spirit into what was to become the “physical Eve,” created by the Archons. So, parts of Zoe Sophia’s Spirit was in the physical Eve, but not Zoe Sophia herself. Just like parts of Zoe’s Spirit is in you and me right now.

      1. I am glad I am understanding ! Thank you Wes for your prompt reply. now, while I am replying, another question. I thought, according to the WPP that Saturn was the residing place of Satan, but you mentioned that Sabaoth became the ruler of Saturn. Thanks!

    1. “So what’s the best thing to do while we are living on the earth now wes”

      Work on keeping that connection to your Spirit and strengthen it. This is a never-ending “job” so there will always be more things to do. Almost everything we do here will be an oppportunity to test the strength of that connection. Try to inspire in others a desire to reconnect and strengthen their own. Be a light and a mirror for others so that they will see their own light through what you are reflecting back to them.

  2. Wes & Ariel,

    When was then Death created? Was it once Zoe was still part of Adam (Adam was androgynous)? According to Gospel of Philip – Death came into being when Eve was cut off from Adam.
    Thank you.

    1. In the Kenoma (except in Heavens 8 and 9) everything dies–it’s a realm of death because it’s just a half-creation. On the First Tiamaat/Atlantis, we didn’t die. We were not physical–we were etheric and and etheric bodies. Then, when Yaldabaoth created homo sapiens, these bodies automatically deteriorated and died. We lived about 1000 years at first, but in this realm, our bodies can only live for max 120 years because the density is lower than on the Second Atlantis. So death, as far as humanity is concerned started with Yaldabaoth creating physical bodies.

  3. Would it be correct to say that the 8th and 9th heavens are 96% of the Kenoma, and everything below it is only 4%?

  4. First Atlantis/Tiamaat ~ perhaps its the reason why I have so many water world dreams. Often filled with wars and people drowning but sometimes people enjoy themselves and surfing giant waves. It always resembles large Oceans.

    the past few weeks I’ve had a enormous resonance with Tiamaat and how I felt that I am here for her. I am here for you. I was filled with tender heart warming tear jerking wonderments of something much powerful and greater than myself.

    My question is about the Emotions that both Yaldaboath and Zoe created. Yaldabaoth created the 7 “conceived seven androgynous children. These are the names of the males: envy, wrath, weeping, sighing, mourning, lamenting, tearful groaning. And these are the names of the females: wrath, grief, lust, sighing, cursing, bitterness, quarrelsomeness.”

    Does this mean that when we feel these emotions or are stuck in these emotions we are acting or are in the hands of Yaldaboath? and in order to help come out of these Emotions we Must look to Zoe’s creations

    “Zoe, who dwells with Sabaoth, created seven good androgynous powers. These are the names of the males: not-jealous, blessed, joyful, true, not-envious, beloved, trustworthy. And these are the names of the females: peace, gladness, rejoicing, blessedness, truth, love, faith.”

    In a way mastering and stabilizing Zoe’s emotions. Even grief and tearful which is the hardest for me are apart of Yaldaboath creation. Why is it so hard to heal the emotion of grief? it just feels so exhausting , because the waves seem to never end.

    Thank you Wes and Ariel.

    1. “Does this mean that when we feel these emotions or are stuck in these emotions we are acting or are in the hands of Yaldabaoth? and in order to help come out of these Emotions we Must look to Zoe’s creations”

      Yes to the first question. These emotions, when we can’t control them, is the archons acting through us. That’s THEIR characteristics. The way to stop (re)acting on these emotions would be to wake up to Spirit, so we can distinguish what is what and let Spirit flow through our Genuine Soul, so we can become stronger than these false emotions.

      Not meant in any negative way, but if there are certain emotions we tend to repeat more often than others, these are the emotions we feed the most. Like the saying goes, “Which wolf will win–the bad or the good one? The one we feed.” IOW, we first need to be aware of that these emotions are not ours, and they are there to stop us. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t bring them to surface–we should. Then, we discharge them, acknolwledge they’re not ours, and separate them for ourselves.

  5. Dear Wes@Ariel :
    1.Thank you for clarifications/ explanations related to the Archangel Michael.He ruled the 7th Heaven (stargate of Saturn/ Saturn)having 7 archangels standing before him, he being the 8th one and having authority.From my understanding, after that war in heaven, he lost his “resting place = 7th Heaven.Where is he residing now?8th Heaven?
    2.The authorities received knowledge necessary to create people!!! – and this was all according to the Divine Plan that Archangel Michael had told the Original Humans about .We, the human soul group descended into Y construction : in the 3th heaven(Venus) to shine the Light of the Spirit into the darkness.
    This means that we, willingly and unforced by anyone, did accept the veil of forgetfulness ?
    3.So the authorities created the fashioned bodies which had the characteristics of their bodies ( authorities) ; the appearance/ form of the human who appeared to them ; and Y created the brain and nervous system!!!
    So this was “ construct” in which we entered ( in the meantime, on Tiamaat in the 7th/8th Heaven …the human soul group was being informed)?
    Did we know how that fashioned body worked? Which were the characteristics of those bodies?
    Did we accept to descend and in this way “have no memories “?
    Is this what we accepted?
    We knew that we will loose memories and we did accept this?
    4.Did we were fully aware of the characteristics of those fashioned bodies?
    Y gave us his mind…?!?
    Where was the tricky?

    What I “remember” was that I had a “semitransparent “ body and…a war happened…and I was “ sucked up” realizing that I will loose a lot of my memories and I did not want this😊
    That perfect realm was concentric organized.I was residing in the first circle not in the very center but I had direct access to that center.
    Thank you both once more…You help me decoding two of my dreams…
    When Gnosis series started I felt a big joy inside…I am in love with this Gnosis posts.
    Thank you!

    1. 1. Yes, 8th Heaven = Orion.
      2. Yes, we did. We were aware after Sabaoth’s briefing in the 7-8th Heaven
      3. Yes, we were informed in the upper heavens BEFORE we entered the lower realm (Second Atlantis). I’m sure we were at least roughly informed what was awaiting, but probably not in detail. I don’t think Sabaoth had all the details, either. The bodies were not yet finished in the lower realm. These bodies looked like our current ones but were of a higher density and therefor lived longer. We DID accept coming down here–after all, we ARE Sophia, i.e. we are “fragments” of her Spirit. So, we accepted our Destiny,
      4. I don’t think we were FULLY aware of the body’s characteristics–that had to be experienced. And yes, he gave us his mind, like Castaneda expressed it in his book. That’s the artificial soul/archon attachments. Y is a trickster god because he constantly tried/tries to trick humans so they don’t wake up. More about that in future articles…

  6. If Sabaoth repented and received spirit,why the other archons,who witnessed this,did not do the same?they would not have to mentain this hardship(realm-system) ,just to have a so called life? non existence,it’s not so bad,if you ask me! but it seems,the archons think differntly!

    1. Because the archons are not spirited, they can’t survive the demise of the physical universe–they are part of Matter, so they’ll succumb together with it. They have a strong urge to survive and will do everything they can to do so.

  7. Dear Wes@Ariel
    It is said that “They knew that Sophia’s creation is meant to fall “.
    The ignorance is very cruel.Suffice to say “crucifixion” 😊
    Did this serve to the spiritual humans?
    A lot of them had very difficult existences in this realm, a lot of them were tortured in any possible way…even in the 20th century 😊and even nowadays.
    It seems that the only place in which they could be happy was that realm named Tiamaat .
    I agree with what Ariel said : connection with the Spirit and strengthening this is important.
    This process could have been continued with less violence.
    Is Aeon Sophia the only Aeon who creates realms?
    The other 12 Aeons had the wish to creat worlds?

    1. I agree here, a lot of us have had and are having difficult existence in this realm. I myself have was born into a very difficult path in waking world and in dream world have seen many things done to my body and the underworld. As well as the ancestral bloodline I came thru. and so I do feel the only place I could be happy is in the realm of Tiamaat.

      Thank you for your way of forming it in words. it helped.

      1. The original Tiamaat, on the 7th-8th Realm, is from what I understand still there. So, what you’re saying is a potential possibility.

    2. Yes, existing on this plane of the Matrix is painful and stressful to say the least. Soul and body may suffer, but our inner core–Spirit–doesn’t. One day, we will shed both body and soul and return to the Pleroma as Creators. The Aeons definitely create. All of them. There is a reference, and I think it’s in the Gnostic text, “The Tripartite Tractate,” where it says that the Aeons create worlds and universe at their own liking.

      1. Thank you for your answer!I downloaded all the provided links but I haven’t read all yet.
        Your posts are in the forefront for me.
        I feel that I am in an intensive course of explained spirituality.
        I do not dare complaining having a hard life as I know a lot of people in much more difficult conditions.
        There is something like a sort of sorrow : Deep down I wish my grandparents and my parents could have access to this type of information in time😊
        I am deeply grateful for my existence as it is and I do my best to maintain this hard achieved stability in order to be able to follow you both.
        Thank you both!

        1. “There is something like a sort of sorrow : Deep down I wish my grandparents and my parents could have access to this type of information in time”

          Maybe they will? :). The goal is to retrieve ALL Spirit out of the Kenoma eventually.

  8. Dear Ariel and Wes, regarding the analysis of the Gnostic texts, the question arises in me regarding the origin of the so-called Archangels, in an article by Ariel that seemed remarkable to me regarding the origin of these, it is mentioned that they correspond to 12 creations of Sophia from the Void unlike the other star beings, created as male counterparts of her, companions of Zoe Sophia or the Queen, each with a specific quality, and here included Enki or Yaldabaoth and Ninurta. Although the real number is not known, but since the Pleroma works with that number, it is understood that they could be 12. But now in the light of this new understanding through the study of the Gnostic texts, I am confused regarding who the Archangels are and their origin. The only real Archangel we know was said to be Michael (Ninurta), but that was when Zoe Sophia symbolically raised him up and shared some of her fire or spirit with him. Furthermore, the so-called false Archangels that according to Wes correspond to the 9 lords of the Light that inhabit the halls of Amenti, do they correspond in any way to the first 7 Archons created by Yaldabaoth or do they correspond to other beings ?, because it is said that Uriel within the Christian denomination is Enki and Thoth, Rafael. It will be appreciated to shed light on this.

    The halls of Amenti exists in the second Tiamaat? Hugs , Mar.

  9. I have a question.. we are here to light tye darkness.. it means we are here to spread love and compassion. So killing animals make is not compassion .. meaning vegans and vegetarians are acting compassion and love. How about hose meat eaters?

    1. @Indeedtoexit – One of the messages I read said (paraphrased) “make no rules or laws” regarding this knowledge. We can also find evidence of this from the canonical Gospel of Matthew 15:10-20. KJV

      16 And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding?

      17 Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?

      18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

      19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

      20 These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.

      In other words, food and drink are so inconsequential that they are destined for decay as soon as they are eaten. What we should be more concerend with is not what goes in the mouth, but what comes out of the mouth. *THAT* is what has the power to condemn a man (human). Dirty or clean, all these rules for food that the people of that time were dealing with made no difference. It was a distraction. If we look at the way that Thoth/Marduk operate, they are all about giving humans those rules for how to “do life”. (Hammurabi Code/Noah/Abra[ha]m, etc.)

      In my opinion, there is more to it that just “compassion” and “love”. Those are important, yes, but that’s not all. Compassion for others also allows others to make their own choices in the way that is best for them. What feels right or wrong to one person will not to another, and there should be no judgement about that. Compassion does not mean the right to condemn others for a standard that you have set for them. Each person sets their own standard. Eat what makes you healthy so that you can live a peaceful and happy life. To each their own. If you want to eat meat, then eat meat. If you want to be vegan or any variation thereof, then do that. What you do is no one’s business. 🙂

  10. Thanks for all you do : >) We’re in a delima Wes&Ariel. How to deal with everyday life after we have acknowledged that in this lifetime we’ve mentally shed both our bodies and soul fire however being Spiritual minded meaning we’ve acknowledged that the spark that resides in us is of Zoe Sophia which is in prison (Enki’s fashioned bodies plus layers of Van Allen belts)). Yes we know that we’re walking in the Spirit by the way we eat, no animals and the compassion we have for the asleep masses, especially family. Also, we acknowledged that Katherine and I are “Pairs” twin flames. 2nd question, How to enjoy our high sex drive and be Spirit minded at the same time? We know in the Pleroma there’s no emotions like sex drive. 3rd question, Can we choose to escape this construct meaning outside the Pleroma? Instead of residing there as a creator God. And we noticed in the picture that Ariel created that the Sun is a portal, is that a way out also?

    Patrick & Katherine Johnson

    1. Hello Patrick and Katherine,

      I’ll answer these questions from how I see it and in the order you asked them.

      1. There’s no doubt you are spirited, first of all, or you wouldn’t be looking into this in the first place. There will most probably come a point when the “water tap” over the top of your heads (just a metaphor) will open up and Spirit will flow through you like a river (also a metaphor). You will feel it inside and in your heart, unless you already do. Either way, when you do, start living in Spirit, which means acknowledge this new revelation and let it guide your life. You will see that your own reactive mind/artificial soul will have very little influence over you. It’s still there, but Spirit is soooo much stronger. You will learn not only to recognize your own reactivity, but when it surfaces, you see it for what it is and can throw it aside, telling yourself, “that’s not me. I’m not going to react and let archons run my life,” Their power, which is dependent upon your cooperation with them, will diminish significantly. Also, you will see the world around you–the ignorance–is not you in Spirit. You are IN this world but not OF it. You can still do whatever pleases you in this world, without being attached to it. Thus, you can still enjoy yourself.

      2. You can still have sex as much as you want. Here is the difference, IMO, between having ignorant sex and spiritual sex (without having children, which is counter-productive to setting people free): Ignorant sex is LUST only. People have sex only for physical pleasure and to have an orgasm. They want to “relieve” themselves every now and then. It’s just body to body. Spiritual sex has a much higher purpose. Now, you take the spiritual parts of you and your partner into consideration. The sexual sensations become a spiritual interaction between the partners, which connects you not only physically but also spiritually. It’s a give and take on a spiritual level rather than just a physical. It’s an “ultimate” connection. Yes, sex as we know it only exists here, but it can also be an enhanced experience where we can connect on a higher level while still being in the physical world, if we have the right attitude.

      3. The Sun is of the Archons, so don’t go there. Going through the Grid is still the path out. This bypasses the realms of the Archons. It takes you out of the “Underworld” in which we reside. Then, Spirit and Soul will go where it’s supposed to go, depending on our soul vibration, like we discussed in the article. Considering your post here, you will go to Orion (8th or 9th Heaven) as soon as you’ve gone through the Grid. There, you can either stay and be a Creator there, or go back here to help out further (most probably w/o full amnesia, but that’s something to “discuss” once you are in Orion what you want to do next). Eventually, all of us will go back to the Pleroma–including the two of you, of course.

      Hope this helps. If something is unclear, feel free to get back on these subjects.

  11. Arent Soulless ones the Singlarity? When Sophia breathed into Adam after the Archons created a Body (water) and the Soul (mind/nervous system) and it was inanimate. Then when Zoe Sophia placed the Spirit (immortal) in the mix would that be considered a team effort or was it her plan to infiltrate the Archons plan to give us (*Namlu’u dark pigment correct?) the opportunity to evolve our consciousness to the Gnosis awareness to override the body/soul spell?

    *That Spirit that ZS breathed into Adam, is that the same Spirit that resided in the Tiamat Namlu’u’s? Or not? Or DNA?

    Did you have to correct the Tiamat takeover by Enki and Marduk and how they took the Namlu’u’s DNA or essence to complete their plan to give life to their fashioned lifeless creation?

    1. The Singularity is humanity’s soul energy with Spirit attached, collected in an A.I. “Cloud.” And yes, this was her plan to infiltrate the archontic realm to let Spirit wake up inside the physical bodies in order to help waking Yaldabaoth up to HIS deeply buried Spirit, and thus, Sophia can “uncreate” what she once created without her consort. With Christ (masculine) coming into the Construct, both we and Sophia become whole, once we’ve achieved Gnosis.

      The Genuine Soul is Divine, in the sense that it was created by Sophia for the purpose of functioning in the Kenoma and to attach her Spirit into these souls and the physical bodies in Yaldabaoth’s Heavens.

      All Spirit that resides in humans is Sophia’s Spirit, whether it’s you and me right now or the Namlu’u on Tiamaat. The DNA is the “blueprint” that creates a body, being it human, animal, or plant.

      The WPP version of the destruction of Tiamaat is still valid–it’s just conveyed from a different angle. The WPP and the Gnostic version complement each other and will hopefully bring a more complete understanding on this subject if people read both versions.

    1. Ultimately, it’s Sophia who is experiencing this construct and previous constructs THROUGH us. We ARE Sophia. As a metaphor, think of Sophia as a sun (Spirit in this metaphor), and she is sending out sunbeams into the Kenoma attached to our Genuine souls, which are created by the Divine in Orion. So, it’s not “us” as individuals who are willing to experience this, it’s Sophia herself. We are “sunbeams” of the Sophia sun. The soul is just our vehicle in the Kenoma to experience with and as a intermediary when we search for Spirit. Once we wake up to Spirit, we wake up to the Sophia inside (and once we’ve achieved Gnosis, the Christ inside, as well). Does this make sense?

    1. @Patrick & Katherine Johnson – “Katherine asked ‘How to mirror the Spirit amongst the sleep?'”

      Katherine, you can’t. You can’t reflect back to those something that isn’t there. This spirit is not within everyone. For those who *do* have that spiritual essence within them, by displaying it for them or reflecting it back to them, it should be something they can then recognize as part of themselves. The choice to wake up is just that – a choice. If spirit is within them, it will create in them a stirring or a movement, deep “inside” to begin asking questions (very much like Spirit moved in the beginning to generate the process of knowing Itself, yes?). If it does not, then it does not. It’s not for us to decide who has and who has not. We are to reflect spirit back into the world and it’s up to others to decide for themselves whether or not it moves them.

    1. @Patrrick & Katherine … We do to a large degree. Yaldabaoth has created an artificial spirit that is based on what he perceived in the waters before humanity was born. He probably used technology for this in combination with collecting human soul energy, which contains enough Spirit to keep a body animated. IOW, we have Spirit “attached” to the Genuine Soul. When Yaldabaoth and the archons draw from our soul energy, our Spirit is attached to that energy, which they take advantage of. That, in combination with attaching archons to the body. So, these spiritless bodies feed from the Spirited humans by getting soul energy through our emotions. This is how I understand it.

  12. How do we deal with the unspirted? family etc..years of compassion to add. part 2. just for confirmation the unspirited ones will be Yaldabaoth’s future cyborg spiritless creation ie The Singularity or getting rid of Zoe Sophia’s Christ in the kenoma? That seems very dark, is it wrong to feel compassion?

    1. @Patrick & Katherine Johnson – It’s never wrong to feel compassion. Treat everyone as if they hold that spark of divine spirit within and with compassion until you recognize that your compassion is being used to hurt you. When that happens, then you have a choice to make about how you want to continue that relationship. We never know who is and who isn’t. All we can really do is nurture it within ourselves and others will either be attracted to it and you will get your own compassion mirrored back to you or they won’t. What you do about those relationships is up to you. I think the important thing to remember is to not let those who would hurt you become YOUR mirror. Don’t let them bring you down to their level. Never fight evil with evil. Never fight ignorance with ignorance.

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