Video 292: The Singularity Timeline, Part 5 [Web 3.0 and How to Make Money in the Metaverse]

By Wes Penre, February 12, 2022

What very few people seem to ask themselves is, “why do we want to exchange the physical world with VR?” It will be based on similar principals as our current reality, but with the exception that we lose our humanity, true human connection, and the intimacy between people, leading to emotional dysregulation, with great increase in narcissism and psychopathy—something professors in psychology, such as Sam Vaknin, point out. Doesn’t anyone ask themselves if there is an agenda behind this that is not so benevolent for those involved?

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  1. Going to leaves this prison planet but never want to go to orion where queen NEKH TT rule.. im going to go to my soul group. My other selves or higher selves.. they are ME.. i need to remember who i am and know my origin state.. no queen, no orion, no nonsense … just being me which is LOVE ITSELF..

  2. 1. Increase emotional trauma for people which makes them fearful and unable to socially and physically interact with others. Make them withdraw from society and become reclusive and isolated by their own choice.

    2. Give them a platform of simulated connectivity through an online resource which mimics social connection such as social media and online forums.

    3. People who are too disengaged and disillusioned with the “outer” reality will be drawn to and even prefer online interactions over human to human physical interactions. People can create an identity to be whatever they want online where they may have self-perceived flaws or short-comings participating in real life.

    4. Give them a way to earn an income through this digital medium which further solidifies the digital reality over the physical reality.

    5. People will gladly help to create this digital reality when they perceive the outer reality as too evil, fearful, and themselves a failure at cultivating a life in it. Creating a life online is much easier and much less painful.

    Yep. We help make it. What we give our energy to becomes stronger.

  3. Thanks Wes for this article. Very informative. The links to references are not “active”. Can not be opened.

  4. What makes Metaverse any different than what is happening now? Already, people who aren’t willing to work a job are earning their income online – you, for example. People are already forming connections online without ever having met the people they are friends with – Facebook, for example. “Jobs, transactions, job meetings, and friend gatherings…” are all happening online now. Even medical appointments, which have been a great solution for many people! We don’t have to wait for Metaverse to make that prediction fulfilled. I don’t think the world is going to get taken away or transform into the Borg with Metaverse. People aren’t even using Facebook anymore. It’s past its prime. Giving people a new type of gathering place online or way to make money will only appeal to those who prefer this type of space and these types of relationships with people. You might include yourself as one of those. Will it change how you form relationships, earn an income, or disseminate your information? This might be Kurtzweil’s idea of utopia but it doesn’t mean it will happen. Look at Hitler, for goodness’ sake. No one I know prefers to sit at home and scroll the internet rather than have dinner with friends or family. To spend all their time in some kind of internet, digital, cyberspace? Unthinkable. People would think I was crazy for even asking which they would prefer. This little community of like-minded is really a very small sample of the general population overall and that’s a good thing. Most people are not so afraid of things on this massive of a scale and most do not generally hold the disdain for their fellow humans that groups like this do. What we see “on the internet” is a distortion of reality like looking through life through the lens of a dirty fishbowl. Things aren’t always obvious, meanings are open to interpretation, and images are muddy and inconsistent causing us to have to make up our own conclusions about what it is we are seeing (hearing or reading). We rarely consider that we may be wrong in our conclusions or that when there are 20 versions of “truth”, the one we resonate with may not be the most beneficial based on how we, ourselves, are “resonating”/vibrating at the time. Law of Attraction and all that jazz might come into play here. In my experience, people want to love and be loved. To hate or condemn goes against what it means to be human, in my opinion. All is not lost, whatever the future holds. It might be different, but it doesn’t mean it’s going to be a nightmare. That’s just fear-talk. Your overseers aren’t the only ones who introduce fear and repetition into the minds of men. Regular people do it, too. No one I know is even aware of any of these things. It isn’t because they are naive or ignorant, far from it. It’s because it simply does not exist as part of their reality. We create our reality, don’t we? There is one simple solution – get off the internet and then you won’t have to be afraid of being consumed by it. It will cease to exist as an entity in your reality and instead just goes back into the box where it belongs. Stop breathing life into it. Experience life first hand instead of taking in the conclusions or interpretations of others. I don’t think we have anything to worry about. Civilizations are always undergoing change and we are going through a period of transition, right now. No one knows how it will work out. I choose to believe life is beautiful and full of potential. The future only appears dark if there is no light to guide you. That light exists within you (each of us).

  5. This is my last time on planet prison. When my time here on earth is done, I simply connect to the core of (Mother) earth and travel straight (without any interference of archons) to my soulgroup. This way I bypass the control grid of these astral parasites. Thank you for all your wisdom Wes, your still the best. 🙂

      1. Hi Luisa. When your time here on earth is done, simply connect to the core of (Mother) earth and travel straight (without any interference of archons) to your soulgroup.

  6. Yeah so if you think that cryptocurrency is going to be decentralized and unmanaged by the New world order, I got a bridge to sell you. You think if you write a song and sing about freedom or any of the other catch phrases, so far banned, that you’re not going to be brought down hard I got another bridge to sell you. Folks this whole thing is a trap. Run

  7. Many scientists, such as Greg Braden, are now saying that we are currently living with a hologram. If this is so, then those following the agenda are about to put themselves into a hologram within the hologram. Could it be that this is some sort of test/initiation that all of us within this level failed last time, but that some of us have now, somehow realised our mistake and have a desire not to repeat? Might we then somehow be released from this ‘prison’? Or maybe some of us agreed or volunteered to be inserted into this current hologram to try to help others realise the situation so that they were not persuaded to follow the agenda into the next.

      1. “1978-1979: Studied Geology / Remote Sensing at Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO. 1979-1982: Bachelor of Science (BS) with honors, Structural Geology and Earth Sciences, Metropolitan State College, Denver, CO. (Completed degree program while also employed full time at Phillips Petroleum, Denver, CO.”

        To me he is scientist. You need to do more research before u speak.

  8. “1978-1979: Studied Geology / Remote Sensing at Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO. 1979-1982: Bachelor of Science (BS) with honors, Structural Geology and Earth Sciences, Metropolitan State College, Denver, CO. (Completed degree program while also employed full time at Phillips Petroleum, Denver, CO.”

    To me he is scientist. Maybe you should read more veafor you speak.

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