My New Changes of Operating!

By Wes Penre, May 26, 2022

From tomorrow on (May 27, 2022), there will be a slight change in how I operate when it comes to videos.

Now, when I have once again returned to YouTube (, esoteric, metaphysical, and woo-woo videos will be posted on YouTube only, so please subscribe to my channel and hit the notification bell if you’re interested in following me there.

I will continue posting on this blog, hopefully about once a week, but it will be more like Q&As, research that includes topics that are prone to censorship on YouTube, such as COVID and vaccines, and various articles, just like before. So, I would suggest you remain subscribed both here and to my YouTube channel. The rest of my Metaverse/Singularity series will be posted here, on this blog, because it will include controversial views on COVID and vaccines, and YouTube would strike me.

In addition, all my videos from hereon (on YouTube and on this blog) will be backed up on Bitchute:

I hope you’ll enjoy this new setup.

Consider supporting me on, or Venmo!

NEW! From May 26, 2022, I accept annual payments on PATREON with a 10% Discount!


  1. Great plan Wes! I’m all about planting seeds wherever we can now as well. instead of running from these controlled platforms like Twitter, youtube, blah blah blah, people need to be posting the truth like never before. Lot of people are truly Waking Up and they have a lot of questions at this time, like never before. If anything, it will make them more curious about your site here as well as others. Keep up the Great Work, brothers and sisters!

  2. Good idea. Would you mind if I downloaded your videos from Youtube to show to my friends?

  3. Ik was de laatste video aan het kijken op YouTube over de verschillende buitenaardse rassen met Nederlands ondertiteling en plop weg was je kanaal, jammer was net 3 min aan het kijken zo interssant. Ik ben hier nieuw.

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